Remote printing: A flexible and convenient solution

Print documents saved on remote devices with TeamViewer, so you always have the material you need when on the go.

How to print remotely

Stay connected and print documents stored on devices anywhere in the world with remote printing. For businesses that need to securely send and print documents between offices in multiple locations or employees who want to print work documents from their home computer, remote printing services offer a practical solution. Remotely access different devices where documents are stored and print them all directly from your local machine. With no need for laborious email attachments and file downloads, remote printing with TeamViewer is the easy, instant, and trouble-free option.

Setting up remote printing is quick and easy, so you can begin printing remote files and webpages without unnecessary delays. To get started, simply install the driver, establish a connection to your remote device, and activate the print function. Since mobile printing solutions follow precisely the same method as regular printing, there is no need to train employees on using the new technology and staff can easily integrate the process into their existing workflows.

Important use cases of remote printing

For employees who regularly travel for work, remote printing is a powerful tool that enables them to immediately have copies of important files no matter where they are. They can browse through files on remote computers as though they were in the office, and then it’s as simple as selecting the files that need to be printed. By bringing together the full power of a remote access and printing solution, employees no longer have to keep switching work environments to use different functions. This results in fewer disruptions and reduces the chance of a security breach by avoiding the need to transfer or email needless copies of files, simply in order to print them locally.

Many modern businesses are now migrating to third-party cloud services to help reduce costs and the size of their internal IT needs. Still, traditional printing models cannot support this move as the printers only work when connected to the cloud via a trusted network: without such a network, they simply cannot pick up the printer requests nor access the files in the cloud. For printing, TeamViewer works in a similar way to cloud printing solutions – using SaaS technology to connect the local printer to a remote device using a cloud-based secure network. This means that even with company firewalls in place, you are able to access important documents and files saved to unsecure networks on desktop machines and even mobile devices located anywhere in the world.

How secure is TeamViewer’s remote printing solution?

Printing over a network is one of the most secure means of remote printing available. It means you no longer have to leave computers switched on or hastily send documents back and forth via emailing and downloading. One means of doing this is to set up a VPN that will let you connect to the device network you need; however, there are numerous security risks to VPNs that can make them a potential threat for companies who are looking to transfer and print sensitive information. TeamViewer’s remote printing solution, on the other hand, works seamlessly using end-to-end session encryption and two-factor authentication. Transfer and print files all from within the same secure framework so you have total peace of mind.

Ready to try TeamViewer?

Key benefits of remote printing

  • Access anywhere
    Remote printing lets you access and print documents and files stored on remote devices and networks anywhere in the world.
  • Ease of use
    Installing the remote print driver is easy and instant. From then on, printing remote files is no different to printing from a local device.
  • Safe and secure
    Remote printing removes the need to email and download documents over unsecure networks.
