Deploying software in bulk -so-called mass deployment- allows administrators to deliver software and updates to multiple devices at once.

For Windows devices, TeamViewer offers mass deployment via four different methods.

This article series about Deploying TeamViewer on Windows contains six articles and explains to administrators how to mass deploy TeamViewer successfully.

This article applies to Corporate and Tensor license holders who want to deploy TeamViewer (14 or newer) on their Windows devices.


You can deploy the following two modules:

1) TeamViewer_Host.msi

  • Read the following article to learn more about the module: TeamViewer Host

2) TeamViewer_Full.msi

🚨 Important note:

The following modules are not deployable:

  • QuickSupport, QuickJoin
  • .exe versions

Deployment methods

You can deploy TeamViewer via four different methods:

1) Via .bat script

2) Via your own Deployment Software

3) Via GPO

💡Hint: Please beware that the deployment via GPO might be working but is not supported by TeamViewer Support.

4) Via Intune