This article explains how you can deploy TeamViewer in a mass deployment scenario to macOS Mojave by deploying the Accessibility permission.
In this example, we use Mobile Iron as MDM solution. Any other MDM solution that supports the configuration of Accessibility permissions should work in a similar way.
This article applies to all TeamViewer customers with a Corporate or Tensor license.
This article applies to TeamViewer version 14.3 or newer.
This article applies to macOS Mojave and newer (macOS 10.14+).
1.) Open Mobile Iron and go to Configurations from the upper menu:
2.) Select Add to add a new configuration:
3.) Select Privacy Preferences:
4.) Enter a name for your new configuration:
5.) Scroll down to Accessibility and add a new action:
6.) Depending on the app you are using, please use the following bundle identifiers:
anchor apple generic and identifier "com.teamviewer.TeamViewerHost" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = H7UGFBUGV6)
Mobile Iron will now the selected Teamviewer App(s) to Accessability of the selected devices. This can take a while, depending on your configuration, online state of the device(s) and other steps during your configuration.
The current state (e.g. updated, pending) of your configuration on a specific device can be checked under "Devices" in the upper menu. The Configuration should change from "Pending install" to "Installed" after a while:
After MobileIron applied the configuration to you devices you can check to the macOS device(s) whether the configuration was successfully updated.
If the rule was applied successfully but TeamViewer is not visible, you may not have installed TeamViewer on the device yet. Without TeamViewer being installed, the rule will not be visible on this page. Nevertheless the rule is still active. After installing Teamviewer it gets the required permissions and will be listed under "Accessibility" automatically.