What is spatial computing?

The term Spatial computing summarizes many complex aspects of technology. As a result, many people hesitate to deal with the concept behind it. Nevertheless, many applications used on a regular basis are based on spatial computing: From GPS to ride-sharing apps and location tagging on social media to AR apps. This already shows how high the impact of this technology on daily life is.

Definition: What does spatial computing mean?

Spatial computing is a generic term that describes a highly complex subject. It is based on an immense range of technologies, which in turn form the basis for modern technology in general. Spatial computing has fundamentally changed the way people interact with static computers. Special tools like spatial computing glasses expand the possibilities and make it possible to dive directly into mixed realities. In other words: Spatial computing interweaves reality and the computing landscape. Since many features are quite small, the considerable progress of spatial computing companies is not always apparent. But their importance is certainly increasing in everyday life, thanks to voice-controlled assistants, smart speakers, and AR filters that are applied on social media channels.

All these features are only possible because the technology of computer systems has evolved. They are no longer static machines that require a lot of space. Instead, the hardware is now so small that it can even fit into smart spatial computing glasses.

Augmented and virtual reality 2.0: Why spatial computing is more than just AR and VR

Although, spatial computing companies are involved in much more than AR, VR or the deployment of spatial computing glasses, starting with the concept of augmented reality makes it easier to understand what spatial computing is all about. This is because AR illustrates the possibilities offered by linking the real and the digital world.

In addition to augmented reality, spatial computing addresses other areas: for example, haptic feedback systems, machine learning, edge computing, robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT). All of these components complement classic AR and VR technology and make it an asset to everyday business:

  • Spatial computing allows people to design immersive training sessions. They replace traditional educational methods and provide companies and private persons with spatial flexibility. This approach is also possible with AR, but it is less realistic.
  • By using haptic feedback and 360-degree cameras, companies can put their employees in a virtual environment. This, in turn, facilitates team interaction and cooperation and allows teams to create a sense of togetherness. The technology required for this combines different elements including AR and VR.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) provide the advantage of still being aware of your surroundings. The combination of spatial computing technologies based on mixed reality offers numerous possible applications for everyday business – not only at the office, but also in the field of manufacturing.

Spatial computing put into practice — with TeamViewer’s Frontline

Frontline Spatial is a software solution that provides your employees an easy entry into the immersive experience. As a sustainable approach, TeamViewer’s software provides you with long-term knowledge transfer, productive use of your resources and increased employee engagement.

That’s because you’re delivering interactive content that makes industrial workplaces more efficient and engaging. At the same time, augmented and mixed reality environments increase productivity and process quality. This makes Frontline Spatial not only of interest to employees, but significant at the entire enterprise level. Unlike pure augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR), implementing Spatial computing enables important approaches: Frontline places holograms in employees’ field of view that they can interact with to do their jobs more satisfactorily. What this means for you:

  • The interactive workplace provides understandable and contextual instructions.
  • The software solution promotes intuitive interaction with multimedia content.
  • Knowledge transfer is ensured, for example in collaborative group sessions.
  • You simply use the software using your smart glasses, tablets or smartphones.

Benefits: The potential of spatial computing

  • Spatial computing is an important approach for self-driving cars and advanced robotics. That’s why you don’t just benefit from it at the office, but especially in manufacturing. Even at home, technology benefits you as you can enhance your daily life with the help of virtual assistants.
  • The combination of real and digital reality helps overcome language barriers and technical hurdles. For example, technicians can connect with experts to compensate for a lack of expertise in upcoming tasks. This also creates independence of location, which is also a great benefit.
  • Although smart glasses and other gadgets enable additional approaches, the smart glasses are not essential. Even without them, spatial computing impacts the way people work, learn and live.
  • Smart glasses increase productivity in companies. The reason for that is that employees can see necessary information immediately while working.
  • Smart warehouses also benefit from spatial computing, as all the necessary data is available anytime. This eliminates the need to travel long distances for the sole purpose of obtaining information.
  • The modern approach can be integrated into almost any business. It boosts office productivity, enhances your workflow and offers immersive training.
  • Especially in the manufacturing industry, the susceptibility to errors decreases thanks to spatial computing. This is due to the constant availability of relevant data: Employees know which products they need and where they belong, because the smart glasses show them the necessary clues.

Smart warehouses and autonomous driving: Automation of processes

For companies, the smart warehouse is an important step towards the future. It is also one of the most important examples of a successful spatial computing implementation because the market has changed. Today, customers expect the ordered goods to arrive the next day and that they don’t have to wait for days. With thousands of orders coming in every day, this has long been impossible without automation.

Autonomous driving also plays a central role in this area. The technology permanently evaluates the most important data regarding the efficiency of driving routes in real time. As a result, internal processes and workflows can be noticeably simplified and made more efficient.

Improving human machine interaction

Spatial computing is not only important in companies, but also on the stock market: The number of spatial computing stocks is increasing rapidly, which is due to the promising future of this technology. After all, it improves and facilitates human interaction with the machines used. Software solutions such as TeamViewer’s Frontline are an important basis for this as well as hardware solutions that increase the benefits in everyday life. At the same time, modern spatial computing is designed to make interaction and information retrieval as simple as possible. For your users, this means that the effort required to familiarize themselves with the new technology is kept to a minimum.

Challenges and Outlook

Although the value of spatial computing stocks is increasing and innovative concepts like smart farming are becoming more important, the technology still faces challenges. Some of them are technical, while most require a shift in thinking in businesses and society in general. For this reason, the real potential of spatial computing is not yet fully realized.

  • The biggest challenge of spatial computing is that it is a new technology that completely changes everyday life. While the benefits can be easily integrated into private everyday life, the situation is different in the business sector. This is because the larger the social space, the more adaptations are necessary. For companies, spatial computing primarily involves a restructuring of business processes, but also of hardware commitments. Both are associated with high financial investments at the same time. This makes it difficult to embrace the new technology.
  • Since spatial computing promises benefits in many use cases, a corresponding investment in research is necessary. A classic example of this is Computing with spatial trajectories. These analyses and further developments require a lot of specialist knowledge.
  • Even if you as a company want to integrate spatial computing into your daily routine, challenges are to be expected. These concern not only the acceptance of the employees, but also the existing IT infrastructure. After all, in order to be able to use spatial technology, hardware and software must be coordinated with each other. In particular, the provision of the required data becomes an obstacle for many companies.

Nevertheless, spatial computing is an important signpost towards the future. That’s because the benefits of the technology outweigh the initial hurdles. Once your company decides to take the first step, the underlying business processes become easier and more efficient. That’s why it’s safe to assume that spatial computing, like the Internet of Things (IoT), will establish itself in everyday business. This assumption seems logical as interest in spatial computing stocks and similar investment opportunities is growing rapidly.

Frontline Spatial Customer Success Story

Audi immersively trains their quality staff and significantly reduces costs.

With the help of Frontline Spatial, workflows for testing a vehicle at Audi can be simplified by displaying important information as holograms in the right places on the car. Contents such as component markings, dimensional information or documentation videos are always visible to the technician everywhere. At the Training Centres of Audi Quality Assurance, Augmented Reality is used for efficient and faultless training of new employees.