Can remote connectivity solve emerging enterprise challenges?

Get insights from 125 IT leaders on how to deal with challenging trends such as new hybrid working models, reducing CO2 emissions, global connectivity, and robotics and automation.

Learn what IT leaders from industries such as banking, manufacturing, and healthcare think about the business potential of remote connectivity.

Modern solutions for modern challenges

The new world of work

99 per cent of respondents surveyed reported their employees are working either entirely remote (2 per cent) or in a hybrid model (97 per cent). Hence, the ability to access, connect, manage, monitor, and patch large fleets of diverse devices from afar is becoming a must-have. What comes next?



Moving beyond VPN

82 per cent of surveyed organizations rely on VPN to access work resources remotely. However, VPNs regularly fall short when it comes to empowering remote work – often forcing organizations to compromise on security for convenience. Will remote connectivity become the future standard?

Dealing with the IT skill gap

Half of the organizations surveyed agree either somewhat or strongly that the IT skills gaps at their organizations are growing. Furthermore, 73 per cent agree it is difficult to attract and retain IT talent today. How do IT leaders plan to foster in-house skills and development going forward?

Research Paper: Enterprise Remote Access and Support

The pandemic saw a widespread shift to hybrid and remote work, a trend that is here to stay. But how do IT leaders deal with the complexity of providing remote employees with timely support for their spread-out, diverse devices and systems?

In this research paper, Computing Research provides valuable insights into:

  • How IT leaders are dealing with IT support in a hybrid and remote working models
  • What role IT leaders expect remote connectivity to play in their organizations going forward
  • How many companies are interested in or have already implemented a remote connectivity platform post pandemic
  • What benefits and challenges companies experience with a remote connectivity platform

Remote connectivity in action

Instant support for 20,000+ customers worldwide

CANCOM stands for agile and innovative digital solutions – and that naturally characterizes their approach to both customer and employee support. When it comes to technical IT support, CANCOM uses a state-of-the-art remote connectivity platform and can thus cover service processes digitally and remotely in real time.

24/7 on-call operations for better global collaboration

China Unicom uses a powerful remote connectivity platform to support staff with secure remote connectivity, enabling them to quickly access internal company data and resolve issues in a timely manner regardless of their location.

Efficient support for 12,000 employees and 1,920 stores

In response to changing buying behavior, the retailer, Ernsting’s Family, which has traditionally been bricks and mortar, is focusing on expanding its multichannel strategy, enabling customers to source products across channels. A modern remote connectivity platform supports these efforts.

Remote connectivity: Creating a world that works better

At TeamViewer, we see endless potential in remote connectivity – to support the working world across the globe, so we are all empowered to collaborate on creating a world that works better.