Security, explained

What makes TeamViewer remote access secure?

Maintaining IT security is vital for your business. That’s why protecting your devices, data, and systems is our top priority. Here’s how we do it.

Women working at desk with colleagues

Securing your infrastructure

Your IT infrastructure is a complex network of endpoints, such as devices, servers, and machines. For malicious actors, each endpoint is a potential gateway into your network.

This is why you need to secure every device in your infrastructure against unauthorized access.

Infrastructure security features

Your connections and any information stored in TeamViewer are protected by 4096-bit RSA key encryption and 256-bit session encryption. That means nobody can access your data, not even us.

Restrict TeamViewer connections to a controlled set of devices. With Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC), only devices with a private key to your custom certificate can enter a remote session.

Close security gaps by managing your remote access software centrally. Use mass deployment to provision pre-configured TeamViewer clients to each endpoint in your organization.

Use Conditional Access to define under which conditions, e.g., at what time or from which location, someone can access your infrastructure. Configure these rules at the account, device, or device group level.

Protecting user accounts

Compromised user credentials are a common cause of security breaches. After all, it can be difficult to prevent users from creating weak passwords or sharing their login details — especially if they’re in different departments or locations.

To improve security, you need a way to centrally manage user accounts without disrupting their day-to-day work.

Account security features

Users can only log into TeamViewer from previously authorized Trusted Devices. When logging in from a new device or browser, users must manually confirm their login via a verification email.

You can enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) across all TeamViewer accounts in your organization. This adds an additional layer of security to user accounts, mitigating the risk of compromised credentials.

With Single Sign-On (SSO), you restrict remote access to users within your company domain and apply corporate password policies throughout. Plus, SSO lets you provision or deactivate user accounts automatically.

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Safeguarding remote connections

In some instances, a third party might try to exploit remote connections to intercept sensitive information or gain access to your network.

It’s important that your remote access solution protects your connection data and helps you prevent unauthorized connections.

Connection security features

Create a blocklist to prevent certain users from accessing your devices. You can also set up an allowlist and block all connections except those coming from pre-authorized users.

Make sure connection requests come from a person you trust. TeamViewer provides session participants with information that helps them identify the connecting expert.

Add an additional layer of security by enabling two-factor authentication for connections. This prompts users to verify each remote connection using their mobile device.

Ensuring transparency and compliance

As a business, you need to demonstrate compliance with internal policies and external legislation. This can be due to a routine audit, a specific customer request, or — in rare cases — a legal proceeding.

Therefore, you need a way of documenting your work to show that you’re compliant with all relevant regulations.

Reporting and compliance features

Save full video recordings of your remote support sessions, either to a device or cloud network. This not only improves transparency but can also be useful for employee training.

Enable connection reports and get full visibility into who has connected to which device. These reports help you keep track of remote access usage and identify unsanctioned connections.

Log all user events, like joining a session or authorizing third-party access, with Auditability. Integrate these event logs with your security information and event management (SIEM) solution for centralized reporting.

Get started with secure remote access today

Speak with one of our experts and find a solution that’s right for your business.