Get more from your Business license

Switch now to access exclusive features built for exceptional remote support.

Explore all the new features with a self-paced product tour.

A smarter way to work

Quick-start your sessions

With QuickSupport session links, you can deliver a smoother support experience by starting sessions faster. It’s easy:

  • Create and share a unique invite link. 
  • If your end user has TeamViewer installed, clicking the link will start the session. If not, they’ll be automatically directed to download the app.

Add devices faster

With custom Host links, it’s easier to add remote devices and set up secure unattended access. Here’s how: 

  • Create and share a unique installation link. 
  • Once approved, the device will appear in your list. From there, you can assign it to groups, set permissions, and connect.

Be instantly recognizable

Stand out and reinforce trust by integrating your company’s branding into QuickSupport or custom Host modules. 

  • Feature your company logo and colors. 
  • Add a unique title and tailored messaging.
  • Attach a disclaimer if needed.

Multi-task like a pro

Need to access a device or start a session while working in another app? With the new Device Dock, you can instantly access your devices without navigating back to TeamViewer.

  • Open the Device Dock to get an overview of your online and offline devices and connect in a single click.
  • Hide the Dock when not in use. 

Forget scrolling — just start typing

Looking for a device or contact? The new universal search bar is your app-wide shortcut to finding what you need, fast.

Simply type in a name or ID and connect with a click. You can also search for device groups.

Upgrade to advanced device management

Discover how our new Device Management System and platform combine to deliver unmatched security and ease of use.

Do it all in the app

For a smoother experience, we've integrated Management Console features directly into the app, so you can manage everything in one place.

  • Under Admin settings, you can update policies and create custom modules (QuickSupport and Host). 
  • Via Service queue, you can manage incoming support requests.

Get full oversight of your licensed devices 

To give you more control, signing in on a new device won’t automatically assign that device to a licensed slot. 

You can add or swap licensed devices via the new Settings tab.

Enjoy ultimate flexibility

With the new web app, you can start sessions right from your browser. 

Learn more

Find answers to common questions about the new TeamViewer on our FAQ page.