TeamViewer Remote’s Multitenancy solution aims to enhance the capabilities of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and enterprise environments to manage cross-companies more efficiently. Below you will find all essential information as well as a step-by-step guide to walk you through a successful setup of the Multitenancy features.

This article applies to all TeamViewer Tensor customers.

Persona and feature definitions

A tenant manager oversees multiple companies, managing and switching between different company accounts. They can freely connect to and manage multiple companies and have default access to the company from which they were created. Tenant managers receive, accept, or decline invitations, subsequently gaining access to the new company. The tenant manager has the same access rights to the company as the roles assigned to them within the company. Tenant managers can remove themselves from a company, revoking their access.

Note: A newly created account is required to be a tenant manager.

A company admin manages users and permissions within a specific company. They are users within a company and possess all permissions of the company, allowing them to create new users and manage existing ones. Company admins send invitations to tenant managers to join and support their company, manage tenant managers by granting or revoking access, add new tenant managers within their company, and set roles for invited tenant managers. Company admins can delete or remove tenant managers and adjust permissions as needed.

A license usage reporting allows tenant managers to oversee the license consumption of multiple companies This feature offers two types of reporting options:

  • Scheduled reports: Tenant managers can set up automated reports to be generated and emailed at regular intervals. An email will be received with a CSV file attached detailing the license consumption for all companies under their management.
  • On-demand reports: For immediate insights, tenant managers can trigger a report on the spot, receiving up-to-date license usage data per email with an attached CSV file.


TeamViewer Multitenancy add-on has its own set of permissions, signifying what each member of a company profile can do regarding the company. These permissions are as follows:

  • Manage invited tenant managers permission controls all actions related to invite/remove tenant manager flow.

For a company without the Multitenancy add-on, the company admin requires permission to be enabled to access the tenant manager section in the admin settings and any actions related to inviting or removing tenant manager flow.

For a company with the Multitenancy add-on, the company admin requires permission to see invited tenant managers and any actions related to the invite/remove tenant manager flow. 


To use Multitenancy, you must have activated your Tensor license on your TeamViewer account with the Multitenancy add-on. More information about how to activate your license here: Activate your Tensor license.

Create your company

To create a company, the tenant manager follows these steps:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and click Manage your companies.
  3. You will be navigated to the Companies overview page in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. Click the Add company button.
  5. Enter the required details to create the new company.
  6. The tenant manager now has full admin rights to the new company and can manage it as needed.

To delete a company, the tenant manager follows these steps:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. You will be navigated to the Companies overview page in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. Select the respective company.
  5. Confirm the deletion.

The company has been successfully deleted.

Manage your tenant managers

For administrators

To create a tenant manager, the company admin of the MSP company follows these steps:

  1. Ensure the new Multitenancy add-on is active.
  2. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  3. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Enter the tenant manager's name, email, and password.
  6. Assign the respective roles and licenses.
  7. Submit the form to create the tenant manager.

The tenant manager has now been created and can manage multiple companies.

To invite a tenant manager to access a company, the company admin of the target company follows these steps:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account via
  2. Go to the Tenant managers section in the Admin settings.
  3. Assign the Manage invited tenant managers permission to the company admin's role.
  4. Click the Invite button.
  5. Enter the tenant manager's email, assign roles and a license.
  6. Send the invitation.

The tenant manager receives the invitation and must accept it.

The invitation will appear in the Pending invitations tab, where the company admin can view and manage all pending invitations.

If needed, the company admin can revoke the invitation from this tab.

The remove tenant manager feature allows a company admin to remove any tenant manager invited into the company, revoking their access to that specific company. This ensures the tenant manager loses access to all data and access to the company they are managing, as well as maintains security and integrity.

Please follow these steps to remove an invited tenant manager:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account via
  2. Go to the Tenant managers section in the Admin settings.
  3. Select the tenant manager for removal.
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. Confirm the removal.
  6. The system erases the tenant manager from the company and revokes their access.

The delete tenant manager feature allows a company admin to completely erase a tenant manager that was created in the company, revoking their access to all associated companies. This ensures the tenant manager loses access to all data and environments they were managing, maintaining security and integrity.

Please follow these steps to delete an invited tenant manager:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account via
  2. Go to the Tenant managers section in the Admin settings.
  3. Select the tenant manager for removal.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Confirm the removal.
  6. The system erases the tenant manager from the company and revokes their access.

Tenant managers overview

To get an overview of all tenant managers, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account via
  2. Go to the Tenant managers section in the Admin settings.
  3. The company admin can see:
    • The tenant managers that have access to the company.
    • Their manager type: if the tenant manager was added to the company or invited.
    • The roles, permissions, and licenses they have in the company.
  4. The company admin can export, search or filter the list of tenant managers.

After company admin enables the Manage invited tenant managers permission for their role, they can manage the access to their company as follows:

  • The company admin can invite an existing tenant manager
  • The company admin can remove any invited tenant manager.

After company admin activates the Multitenancy add-on for their account, they can manage the access to their company as follows:

  • The company admin can add a new tenant manager to the company.
  • The company admin can delete any tenant manager added to the company.

For tenant managers

After the company admin sends the invitation, the tenant manager needs to accept it. The process is as follows:

  1. As tenant manager, you will receive an email notification with the invitation.
  2. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  3. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  4. You will be redirected to the Companies overview page in the Multitenancy settings.
  5. Go to the Pending requests section.
  6. Locate the invitation from the company.
  7. Click Accept or Decline to respond to the invitation.

Once accepted, the tenant manager can see the company in their overview and switch contexts to manage and view data for the new tenant.

The company admin that sends out the invitation will receive a notification with the response from the tenant manager.

After the tenant manager accepts the invitation, they can manage their access as follows:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. You will be redirected to the Companies overview page in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. The tenant manager can see:
    • the companies they have access to
    • who granted the access
    • the permissions and licenses they have for each company
  5. The tenant manager can export, search, or filter the list of companies.
  6. The tenant manager can create a new company and automatically assign full admin rights to it.
  7. The tenant manager can leave any company except the one that created them.
  8. If the tenant manager created a company, they can delete that company.
  9. The tenant manager cannot delete or leave the company that created their account, as this company owns their account.

After the tenant manager accepts the invitation, they can manage their access as follows:

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account via The tenant manager gets automatically redirected to their main company.
  2. Go to the top left corner and click the company icon.
  3. Select from the dropdown the company you want to join.

The company dropdown indicates which company you are currently active in and which one is your default company.

A tenant manager invited into a company can choose to leave it. The tenant manager selects the tenant they wish to leave from the company overview, confirms their decision, and the system removes their access to the selected tenant.

  1. The tenant manager logs into their account or is already logged in.
  2. Go to the top left corner company icon and click Manage your companies.
  3. You will be navigated to the Companies overview page in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. Select the tenant that should leave.
  5. Click the Leave button.
  6. Confirm the operation.

The tenant has successfully left the company.

License usage reporting

The usage reporting allows tenant managers to oversee the current license consumption for those companies where he is a member of.

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. Go to the Usage reporting section in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. On the top right corner, click Add report.
  5. Give the report a name and choose the desired companies.
  6. Choose yourself and click Add.

Note: A company is visible if that tenant manager is a user in that company. No extra permission within that company is needed.

Set up the desired schedule. We recommend setting it on daily as the usage reporting does not yet support a timeline.

The tenant manager receives an email according to the schedule. In the email, the report is attached as a zip file containing a CSV file.

  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. Go to the Usage reporting section in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. On the top right corner, click Add report.
  5. Give the report a name and choose the desired companies.
    Note: Only those companies are shown where the tenant manager is. No extra permission within the company needed
  6. Select On-demand and click Add. 
  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. Go to the Usage reporting section in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. In the toolbar, click Generate.
  5. The tenant manager receives an email. The report is attached as a zip file, which contains a CSV file.
  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. Go to the Usage reporting section in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. Select the desired usage report of type On-demand or go to the three-dot menu and click Edit.
  5. Adjust the names or the desired companies.
  6. Adjust the schedule parameters.
  1. Sign in to your TeamViewer account within the TeamViewer client or via
  2. Go to the top left corner icon and select Manage your companies.
  3. Go to the Usage reporting section in the Multitenancy settings.
  4. Select the desired usage report and click Delete.
  5. Confirm the deletion.