Spatial Workplace is an application that allows users to visualize pins and their information over real-life objects. Its installation is available on a Microsoft HoloLens 2, iOS devices (iPhones and iPads), Android devices, and desktop devices.
When opening Spatial Workplace mobile app for the first time, you need to pair it with the right server instance. This ensures the correct syncing of the necessary data.
After pairing, you will be directed to the Single-Sign-on page in a web browser.
To sign in:
Re-pairing the app after logging out is possible by entering your credentials manually for alternative licenses and permissions.
To change the server you have paired previously:
The status bar is located at the very top of the Spatial Workplace mobile app. It informs you about the overall status of your device. You can see the connection status, search for tasks and templates, and access the app settings.
The navigation section is located at the very bottom of the Spatial Workplace mobile app. It gives you access to the Task List and Templates.
The Task List shows all the tasks assigned to the user. Here you can download and execute tasks.
The Templates lists all the assigned templates to the user. Here you can download and execute templates.
Tasks are used to assign workflows to the users. When you tap on a task, you can view the details such as planned date, by whom it is created by, and tags etc. From there, you can start a task simply by tapping on the Start Task button.
Alternatively, open a specific workflow using your device's camera:
⇒ By opening the link, the application opens automatically and runs the selected workflow.
Note: If the user is not assigned to the selected workflow, the application will open the main menu.
It is possible to cancel a task with a given reason. Within your workflow:
1. Tap on the Workflow Menu.
2. Select Cancel Task.
3. Choose a reason from the list; for example, Made a mistake.
4. Tap on Yes.
On mobile devices, there is the option to see the pins and content of a workflow through different views. The flat and anchored content modes are two possible ways of visualizing the content of pins in AR. The user can switch between the views and content displays using the workflow menu on the top left.
Workflows are shown in the flat content mode by default. This means you can tap on the screen to select icons and buttons.
If the workflow is displayed in anchored content mode, a selection cursor appears in the middle of the device. The cursor can be moved by moving the device around. Users can trigger buttons by pointing their device's viewpoint at the buttons so that the cursor lies over it. Once over the button, a red loading circle appears around the button. Wait until the bar completes the turn to select it. The user can speed up the process by touching the button while it is loading.
The AR overlay view is the default way of presenting pins in augmented reality over the real component. The pin shape will always be presented in the exact position in relation to the spatial reference. The content can be displayed as flat or anchored. Flat content displays the information of the pins in a menu on the right side of the screen in a static way. Anchored content displays the information in a banner next to the actual position of the pin and moves vertically, following the user's movement.
Flat content:
Anchored content:
The 3D model view, on the other hand, gives the user the possibility to see and handle the workflow in a virtual environment that is independent of the physical world. There is no necessity for a Scene State node or a hologram to be visible at a certain step for the user to be able to go to the 3D view.
To open and close the model view, select Show in 3D on the Workflow Menu. This option is available for all pins that contain at least one hologram or have scene states visible.
Inside this view, users can perform the following actions:
After a part of the hologram has been hidden, the eye toggle appears on the top right of the screen. Tap on it to unhide the part.
Note: The 3D model view can be used to explore the details of the hologram's model without the need to point the device to its real-life position. In this view, the remaining content of the pin (text, videos, pictures, audio, pdf) is always presented on a flat display.
Steps that contain Holograms can also be visualized inside the 3D model view, which allows for handling the holograms in more detail and separately from the real-life environment. Open the top menu during a step with holograms and select See in 3D.
To place the content of the workflow in real life, the user needs to scan their surrondings by following the instructions given.
Later on, you need to perform specific actions depending on the spatial reference (markers, or object tracker) used in the workflow.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the marker scanner appears. On the top, the marker IDs are activated to start the workflow. The device's camera will open in the background and the user can focus on the chosen marker to display the first pin.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the hologram of the initial pose of the object appears. The device camera opens in the background and the user can position the object inside the outline until loading is completed.
Changing the initial pose: To change the initial pose of the object, change the position of the object tracker in relation to the model inside your Spatial Editor project.
After opening the workflow, the camera of the device opens in the background and users can move their device around to find a flat surface (e.g., a floor or a table). Recognized surfaces will be marked with white dots.
To adjust the position and rotation of the model:
It is also possible to reposition and rotate the model during the execution of the workflow. Users can rotate the model, rescale it with pinching in/out, and move it up and down with a three-finger hold. The degree values and percentage of scale are visible while making adjustments.
Note: Readjustments are possible only if the model has been made visible with a scene state node in the workflow with proper adjustments. Please see this page about how to make models visible using scene states.
It is possible to add comments to a Pin.
Tap on the More button (3 dots) in the top-right corner. You can choose from the menu to type your comment or upload media.
Then continue with Next.
If the content drifts from its correct placement during the workflow, the user can reposition the workflow and reset its spatial reference. On the workflow menu, select the Reposition Workflow option. The user is prompted to reset the spatial reference of the workflow (e.g., rescan the marker) and then the workflow continues with the previous step.
Templates are used to assign workflows to the users. From there, you can start a task simply by tapping on the template.
Alternatively, open a specific workflow using your device's camera:
⇒ By opening the link, the application opens automatically and runs the selected workflow..
Note: The application will open on the main menu if the user is not assigned to the selected workflow.
The process for workflow navigation, AR overlay view, 3D model view, controlling the model inside the 3D model view, positioning workflow content, workflows with markers, workflows with object tracker, workflows with model placement, and restart tracking are the same as Tasks. For these details, please refer to the Tasks section above.
Custom Themes allow the user to customize the theme and appearance of Frontline Spatial Workplace application. Custom themes are configured in Frontline Command Center, for more information, please visit our Custom Themes page.
In the top-right corner of the main menu, tap on the Settings icon and change any of the following settings:
Defines the language of the application. Currently supported languages are English, German, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), and Japanese.
You can logout from your account simply tapping on this option.
When opening Spatial Workplace mobile app for the first time, you need to pair it with the right server instance. This ensures the correct syncing of the necessary data.
After pairing, you will be directed to the Single-Sign-on page in a web browser.
To sign in:
Re-pairing the app after logging out is possible by entering your credentials manually for alternative licenses and permissions.
To change the server you have paired previously:
The status bar is located at the very top of the Spatial Workplace mobile app. It informs you about the overall status of your device. You can see the connection status, search for tasks and templates, and access the app settings.
The navigation section is located at the very bottom of the Spatial Workplace mobile app. It gives you access to the Task List and Templates.
The Task List shows all the tasks assigned to the user. Here you can download and execute tasks.
The Templates lists all the assigned templates to the user. Here you can download and execute templates.
Tasks are used to assign workflows to the users. When you tap on a task, you can view the details such as planned date, by whom it is created by, and tags etc. From there, you can start a task simply by tapping on the Start Task button.
Alternatively, open a specific workflow using your device's camera:
⇒ By opening the link, the application opens automatically and runs the selected workflow.
Note: If the user is not assigned to the selected workflow, the application will open on the main menu.
It is possible to cancel a task with a given reason. Within your workflow:
1. Tap on the Workflow Menu.
2. Select Cancel Task.
3. Choose a reason from the list; for example, Made a mistake.
4. Tap on Yes.
On mobile devices, there is the option to see the pins and content of a workflow through different views. The flat and anchored content modes are two possible ways of visualizing the content of pins in AR. The user can switch between the views and content displays using the workflow menu on the top left.
Workflows are shown in the flat content mode by default. This means you can tap on the screen to select icons and buttons.
If the workflow is displayed in anchored content mode, a selection cursor appears in the middle of the device. The cursor can be moved by moving the device around. Users can trigger buttons by pointing the viewpoint of their device at the buttons so that the cursor lies over it. Once over the button, a red loading circle appears around the button. Wait until the bar completes the turn to select it. The user can speed up the process by touching the button while it is loading.
The AR overlay view is the default way of presenting pins in augmented reality over the real component. The pin shape will always be presented in the exact position in relation to the spatial reference. The content can be displayed as flat or anchored. Flat content displays the information of the pins in a menu on the right side of the screen in a static way. Anchored content displays the information in a banner next to the actual position of the pin and moves vertically, following the user's movement.
Flat content:
Anchored content:
The 3D model view, on the other hand, gives the user the possibility to see and handle the workflow in a virtual environment that is independent of the physical world. There is no necessity for a Scene State node or a hologram to be visible at a certain step for the user to be able to go to the 3D view.
To open and close the model view, select Show in 3D on the Workflow Menu. This option is available for all pins that contain at least one hologram or have scene states visible.
Inside this view, users can perform the following actions:
After a part of the hologram has been hidden, the eye toggle appears on the top right of the screen. Tap on it to unhide the part.
Note: The 3D model view can be used to explore the details of the hologram's model without the need to point the device to its real-life position. In this view, the remaining content of the pin (text, videos, pictures, audio, pdf) is always presented on a flat display.
Steps that contain Holograms can also be visualized inside the 3D model view, which allows for handling the holograms in more detail and separately from the real-life environment. Open the top menu during a step with holograms and select See in 3D.
To place the content of the workflow in real life, the user needs to scan their surrondings by following the instructions given.
Later on, you need to perform specific actions depending on the spatial reference (markers, or object tracker) used in the workflow.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the marker scanner appears. On the top, the marker IDs are activated to start the workflow. The device's camera will open in the background and the user can focus on the chosen marker to display the first pin.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the hologram of the initial pose of the object appears. The device camera opens in the background and the user can position the object inside the outline until loading is completed.
Changing the initial pose: To change the initial pose of the object, change the position of the object tracker in relation to the model inside your Spatial Editor project.
After opening the workflow, the camera of the device opens in the background and users can move their device around to find a flat surface (e.g., a floor or a table). Recognized surfaces will be marked with white dots.
To adjust the position and rotation of the model:
It is also possible to reposition and rotate the model during the execution of the workflow. Users can rotate the model, rescale it with pinching in/out, and move it up and down with a three-finger hold. The degree values and percentage of scale are visible while making adjustments.
Note: Readjustments are possible only if the model has been made visible with a scene state node in the workflow with proper adjustments. Please see this page about how to make models visible using scene states.
It is possible to add comments to a Pin.
After tapping the More button (3 vertical dots), you can choose from the menu to type your comment or upload media.
If the content drifts from its correct placement during the workflow, the user can reposition the workflow and reset its spatial reference. On the workflow menu, select the Reposition Workflow option. The user is prompted to reset the spatial reference of the workflow (e.g., rescan the marker) and then the workflow continues with the previous step.
Templates are used to assign workflows to the users. From there, you can start a task simply by tapping on the template.
Alternatively, open a specific workflow using your device's camera:
⇒ By opening the link, the application opens automatically and runs the selected workflow.
Note: The application will open on the main menu if the user is not assigned to the selected workflow.
The process for workflow navigation, AR overlay view, 3D model view, controlling the model inside the 3D model view, positioning workflow content, workflows with markers, workflows with object tracker, workflows with model placement, and restart tracking are the same as Tasks. For these details, please refer to the Tasks section above.
Custom Themes allow the user to customize the theme and appearance of Frontline Spatial Workplace application. Custom themes are configured in Frontline Command Center by Frontline Experts. For more information, please visit our Custom Themes page.
In the top-right corner of the main menu, tap on the Settings icon and change any of the following settings:
Defines the language of the application. Currently supported languages are English, German, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), and Japanese.
You can logout from your account simply tapping on this option.
When opening Spatial Workplace for the first time, provide the company URL and domain to pair it with the right server instance. This ensures the correct syncing of the necessary data.
After pairing, you will be directed to the Single-Sign-on page in a web browser.
To sign in:
Re-pairing the app after logging out is possible by entering your credentials manually for alternative licenses and permissions.
To change the server you have paired previously:
The status bar is located at the very top of the Spatial Workplace desktop app. It informs you about the overall status of your device. You can see the connection status, search for tasks and templates, and access the app settings.
The navigation section is located right under the status bar. It gives you access to the Task List and Templates.
The Task List shows all the tasks assigned to the user. Here you can download and execute tasks.
The Templates lists all the assigned templates to the user. Here you can download and execute templates.
Tasks are used to assign workflows to the users. You can start a task simply by clicking on it.
It is possible to cancel a task with a reason. Within your workflow:
1. On the top-left corner, choose (X) Cancel Task.
2. Choose a reason from the list; for example, Made a mistake.
3. Click on Yes.
It is possible to add comments to a Pin.
Tap on the More button (3 dots) in the top-right corner. You can choose from the menu to type your comment or upload media.
Then continue with Next.
In the workflows, models can only be viewed in 3D model view since AR and VR options are not available for desktop devices.
The 3D model view allows users to observe and manipulate the workflow within a virtual environment separate from the physical world. The 3D model view can be used to explore the details of the hologram's model. In this view, the remaining content of the pin (text, videos, pictures, audio, pdf) is always presented on a flat display.
Steps that contain Holograms can also be visualized inside the 3D model view, which allows for handling the holograms in more detail and separately from the real-life environment. Interacting with the 3D model using a mouse, touchpad, and touch interactions is possible.
Mouse interactions:
Rotating the model: click and hold left mouse button, move the mouse.
Zoom in and out: scrolling wheel of the mouse
Dragging the model: click and hold the right mouse button OR the scrolling wheel, move the mouse
Trackpad interactions:
Rotating the model: click and hold the left trackpad button, and move your finger through the trackpad.
Zoom in and out: pinching two fingers on the trackpad (apart and towards each other) OR Place two fingers on the touchpad and slide horizontally or vertically.
Dragging the model: click and hold the right trackpad button, and move your finger through the trackpad.
There are options for Reset view and Lock view while viewing the models.
Templates are used to assign workflows to the users. From there, you can start a task simply by clicking on the template.
The process for workflow navigation, 3D model view, and controlling the model inside the 3D model view are the same as Tasks. For these details, please refer to the Tasks section above.
Custom Themes allow the user to customize the theme and appearance of Frontline Spatial Workplace application. Custom themes are configured in Frontline Command Center, for more information, please visit our Custom Themes page.
Click the profile icon in the right corner of the status bar to access the Settings, About, and Logout sections.
In the drop-down of the profile menu, click on the Settings icon and change any of the following settings:
Defines the language of the application. Currently supported languages are English, German, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), and Japanese.
Allows you to choose where (Right side/Bottom side) text instructions are displayed in the workflow.
Toggle option where you can enable Point of Interests and shapes on the 3D model.
In the drop-down of the profile menu, click on the About button to view the current version you have and your IP address.
You can logout from your account simply clicking on this option in the drop-down of the profile menu..
When opening Spatial Workplace for the first time, there are a couple of steps users need to follow.
1. Provide the company URL and domain to pair it with the right server instance. This ensures the correct syncing of the necessary data.
You can either manually enter the information or scan a corresponding QR Code to auto-fill it.
The QR code can be accessed in an internet browser by an admin user in Frontline Command Center (FCC) under Configuration > Application Management > More as shown below:
2. On HoloLens, click on Scan Bootstrap Code to scan the QR code shown in the browser.
After scanning it, the company link and domain fields are automatically filled in and an authentication code appears.
3. On the FCC dashboard, click on ENTER DEVICE LOGIN CODE.
4. Add the 8-letter code to finish the sign-in procedure on the HoloLens with the same user account as in FCC.
On the HoloLens 2, the main menu follows the head movements and is not fixed. Users can use their hands to grab the menu and position it elsewhere or use the hand-ray gesture to hold the menu from afar and move it around. The size of the menu can be increased or decreased by holding and dragging one of its four corners.
In the middle of the view, there is a white circle. This is the head-gaze cursor that can be used to select icons. Users can move the cursor around by moving their head, which makes selecting icons as easy as turning your head at them.
To select an icon, users can move their head until the cursor lies over it and a red loading bar appears inside it. Wait until the bar completes the turn to select it.
The hand-ray cursor can be used to select objects and holograms that are out of reach. However, the selection ray comes out of your hands.
This cursor starts at the palm of your hand and ends in ring-shaped cursors at the object or icon to be selected. As long as at least one of your hands is inside the hand-tracking frame of the HoloLens, the hand-ray cursor will be activated.
Note: The head-gaze cursor cannot be used while the hand-ray cursor is active.
This cursor is at the point of your index and middle finger and can be used to select icons that are within arm's reach.
The cursor does not appear when the fingers are far away from a UI surface (4). When the user gets closer with their hands, a ring cursor appears perpendicular to their fingers (3) and then aligns with the UI surface (2). When contact is made with the interactive icon, the ring shrinks into a dot (1). This selection works exactly like the ones on a touch screen, clicking on icons and buttons by touching them.
While using the HoloLens 2, users can resize all items that show blue highlights on their corners. These include the Workplace main menu and the manner in which the content of pins are shown.
At any time during a workflow, these are the available voice commands that help you navigate through your steps without using cursors:
Note: The Done command only works as expected if the currently active pin does not have a connection with a custom label. For more information about custom labels, see Connecting Pins.
Additionally, if there are multiple Done buttons at different pins when the command is used, the workflow will continue through a randomly picked connection.
The workflows assigned to the user are listed under Task List and Templates. Here, you can view, download, and execute the workflows. You can start a Task simply by tapping on it.
It is possible to cancel a task with a reason. Within your workflow:
1. Choose to Cancel Task from the hand menu.
2. Choose a reason from the list; for example, Made a mistake.
3. Select Yes.
Note: The Done button may be substituted by another word or phrase if the workflow creator defines a custom label for the relevant connection.
Workflow menu: On HoloLens, the workflow menu stays above the position of the spatial reference. For example, after scanning a marker, the menu will be placed above it. Alternatively, to display the menu next to your hand, simply raise your hand in the HoloLens field of view. On mobile devices, the workflow menu always stays in the top left corner of the screen.
The AR overlay view is the default way of presenting pins in augmented reality over the real component. The pin shape will always be presented in the exact position in relation to the spatial reference. This is the only available view type for HoloLens.
To place the content of the workflow in real life, the user needs to scan their surrondings by following the instructions given.
Later on, you need to perform specific actions depending on the spatial reference (markers, or object tracker) used in the workflow.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the marker scanner appears. On the top, the marker IDs are activated to start the workflow. The device's camera will open in the background and the user can focus on the chosen marker to display the first pin.
After finishing the surronding scanning, the hologram of the initial pose of the object appears. The device camera opens in the background and the user can position the object inside the outline until loading is completed.
Changing the initial pose: To change the initial pose of the object, change the position of the object tracker in relation to the model inside your Spatial Editor project.
After starting the workflow, a UI element asks the user to tap-to-place. To place the model, users can use the HoloLens air-tap gesture.
Position of the model: The model will be placed in relation to the head position, at the same distance that the model is from the model placement element in the Spatial Editor project.
By selecting the Documentation option, it is possible to add comments specifically to a Pin. You can take a photo or record a video as a comment.
If the content drifts from its correct placement during the workflow, the user can reposition the workflow and reset its spatial reference. On the workflow menu, select the Adjust Model option. The user is prompted to reset the spatial reference of the workflow (e.g., rescan the marker) and then the workflow continues with the previous step. Users can also choose Restart Tracking option to start over.
To access the call menu, you can select the Call Support tab on the top.
You can hear and see the video of the other participant through the new window that opens up. On top of the video stream, you have the following features (as marked in the above image):
When another user calls you, the application will show a notification message and play a sound signal. The calls can be answered from any screen that you are working on, even while you are in the middle of a task, to get expert advice.
To download log files from Spatial Workplace (Version 4.15 onwards):
5. To access these log files, connect your HoloLens 2 to your Windows laptop.
6. The files can be found on the following path through the File Explorer:
HoloLens ->Storage ->Downloads ->TeamViewer Frontline Spatial
7. The log files can also be accessed through Microsoft Device Portal under:
System -> File Explorer -> Downloads -> Frontline Spatial -> Zipped logs folder
In the top-right corner of the window, tap on the Settings icon and change any of the following settings:
A toggle option that allows users to enable and disable far interaction.
Defines the language of the application. Users can choose the desired language from the list.
Alows you to download all logs or recent logs (last 24 hours).
You can signout from your account simply tapping on this option.