Logistics 4.0: How Digital Technologies Are Changing Logistics Processes

New research report from TeamViewer and the Handelsblatt Research Institute

Are you curious to find out how digital technologies are changing logistics processes? Please fill out the form to download the research report.

Preview of the TeamViewer Logistics 4.0 Solution Brief

Key findings

43% of surveyed companies

do not have a proper strategy for the digital transformation of their logistics. The majority has not started with digitalizing this area.

For 34% of the companies

a major challenge in digitalizing logistics is the time and cost for implementing the necessary technologies. IT security concerns and legacy systems are further inhibitors.

Around 62% of decision makers

see potential applications for augmented reality in their corporate logistics. Especially companies in Poland, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France expect a significant number of benefits.

Read our 50-page report to find out:

The report shows that the surveyed decision makers see a huge potential and interesting opportunities in the processes and technologies that drive the digital transformation in the logistics sector.

  • the state, challenges, driving players and risks of digitizing the logistics sector
  • advantages technologies like Augmented Reality, Smart Glasses, and the Internet of Things provide
  • the untapped potential of digitizing processes and systems for their businesses

You also find examples that illustrate what the digital transformation looks like in practice.

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (HBC)

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company is one of the largest bottlers for The Coca-Cola Company. To optimize their processes, they chose to implement the TeamViewer Frontline solution xPick. Smart Glasses now present pickers the items, locations, and quantities directly in their field of view.



In the past, automation in the ordering system of the Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG was non-existent. With TeamViewer IoT, Würth has created a central platform for current and future ordering systems and now has a web-based configuration interface that enables it to keep its shelves stocked anytime and anywhere.

Schnellecke Logistics

Schnellecke wanted to increase speed and quality of processes at the same time, for example at their Wolfsburg plant where they focus on module assembly and line feed for the automotive industry. TeamViewer Frontline’s AR solutions improve processes along the entire value chain.

About the Report

The analysis you find in the report is based on a survey that was carried out online by the market research firm YouGov. 3,575 corporate decision makers from 1,700 companies in which logistics processes play an important role were surveyed. The survey was conducted in ten European countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) is an independent research institute under the umbrella of the Handelsblatt Media Group.