13 เม.ย. 2023

Unattended devices are everywhere – and they all need support

Connect and support people

Unattended devices are everywhere. At least once a day we encounter devices such as servers, self-service terminals, digital signs, and billboards that are void of an end-user. [by Lisa Mohsmann]

Previously, unattended devices were a big challenge for the companies and their IT technicians who were tasked with maintaining and supporting them. Companies spent time and money tending to complex devices in far-flung places.

Enter unattended remote access technology. Now IT technicians have the ability to monitor, connect to, and perform tasks remotely on a device without a person on the receiving end.

Want to know more? In this post, we are answering the following questions:

Before we dive into those questions, let us introduce you to Joe.

Joe is a marketing manager at a medium-sized retail firm. Here is what a typical working day looks like for Joe:

  • Joe gets up in the morning and drives to work, passing a digital traffic sign that signals there is construction work ahead.
  • In the office, Joe glances at the billboard that tracks his company’s KPIs before hurrying to the meeting room, where he checks in on the tablet at the entrance and connects his laptop to the big screen before giving an important presentation.
  • At lunchtime, Joe meets up with an old friend at his favorite burger place. The restaurant has recently installed self-service terminals where he inputs his order.
  • In the afternoon, between meetings, he grabs a granola bar from the vending machine. On his way home from work, Joe stops by the post office and picks up a package that was deposited in a parcel locker.

Notice something? Joe used not one, not two, but seven different kinds of unattended devices that day! And now imagine that all these devices need to be maintained and serviced by an IT technician regularly. Sound like an impossible task? It would be – if it weren’t for unattended remote access and monitoring.

Nowadays, such devices are used across various sectors – be it retail, transportation, hospitality, logistics, or advertising. The use cases could not be more diverse, but these devices all have something in common: there is no one sitting in front of them who can trigger updates, fix issues, or get help if needed.

While unattended devices do an excellent job working entirely on their own, they still need regular maintenance, content updates, and occasional help from a human supporter, just like any other digital device. However, knowing when action is required and traveling to each device in person for on-site maintenance and troubleshooting comes at a high cost to IT supporters. This is where unattended remote access comes into play.

TeamViewer empowers users to support and maintain unattended devices anytime, anywhere. With TeamViewer you can access key features such as

  • Remote access and support technology
  • File transfer and file queuing
  • Remote scripting (maintenance automation in the background)
  • Remote monitoring and management functionality
  • Software patching
  • Cross-platform compatibility

How can an unattended remote access solution help?

An unattended remote access solution provides IT technicians with the ability to monitor and connect to digital devices remotely without a person present at the receiving end. This can help IT experts spot potential issues, perform maintenance tasks, and solve issues on devices anywhere in the world from the comfort of their office or even from home, all while ensuring security requirements and service level agreement (SLAs) are met.

Security is at the foundation of what we do. TeamViewer allows us to provide consistent vigilance to clients regardless of their industry or location.

  • End-to-end encryption: enables only the intended recipient to decrypt transmitted data, preventing third parties such as internet service providers, app providers, and hackers from accessing this data.
  • Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA): requires users to verify their identity via a mobile device after having entered their credentials, e.g., by entering a code received in a push notification, to minimize the risk associated with password theft.
  • Blocklisting and allowlisting: defines which accounts or devices may or may not connect to a certain device to prevent access from unauthorized individuals.
  • Connection logs: automatically reports on all incoming and outgoing connections from an account or device, so that no connection goes unnoticed.
  • Black screen: allows the technician to make the remote screen appear black while they are working on the device to ensure the confidentiality of their work.

Want to know more about how TeamViewer can provide your business with seamless remote support?

Get in touch with a member of our team today.