Technician working on electric meter box with augmented reality

Digitalize, enhance, and transform business operations with AR

TeamViewer Assist AR is a configurable solution catered to your individual needs, which can be seamlessly integrated within your existing systems and processes.

TeamViewer Assist AR

Turn AR support into your competitive advantage

TeamViewer Assist AR is a remote assistance solution that enables experts and frontline workers to instantly solve a problem from wherever they are in the world.

Whether it's your machinery presenting problems or any of your embedded devices, augmented reality will provide you with an exceptional support, as if the person giving and receiving assistance were solving the problem together in the same place and at the same time.

70% reduction in travel time at Berner Group

2 hours saved per service case at ALOtec

50% reduction in travel costs at VOSS

Drive operational efficiency with AR remote assistance

Digitalize, enhance, and transform your day-to-day operations by leveraging Assist AR for your business. Assist AR is an easy-to-use solution catered to your individual needs. It can be seamlessly integrated within your existing systems and processes.

Boost efficiency for global repair & maintenance services

Upgrade your company’s efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction by harnessing the power of connectivity and the Internet of Things. With Assist AR integrated into your product value chain, you can provide exceptional global repair and after-sales services.

Our innovative solution leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline and optimize your company's repair processes, delivering faster and improved services to your customers. Experience the transformative impact of Assist AR and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Training-on-the job for technicians

When it comes to transferring knowledge, saving time in training new technicians is crucial. That's why our solution offers an innovative way to visually and textually document information, making it easily shareable in future training sessions.

By using Assist AR, organizations can streamline the onboarding process, ensuring efficient communication and seamless knowledge transfer within their staff.

Reduce machine downtime and increase customer ROI

With Assist AR remote sessions, companies are significantly lowering the downtime of the machines, as experts are able to support technicians as if they were together onsite.

Help crew members repair any damage by guiding them visually through AR features such as videocalls,  contextual markers, and step-by-step documentation.

See the benefits that our customers experience

  • Accelerate knowledge transfer: Onboard and train junior technicians faster by enabling senior experts to guide them remotely. Record important sessions for future training.
  • Solve problems faster: Act immediately with real-time fault analysis to increase productivity and ROI. Enable your service technicians and customers to get direct support.
  • Increase customer satisfaction: Improve first-time-fix rates and deliver exceptional, world-class service to customers without adding resources – AR-powered, anytime, anywhere.
  • Reduce costs: Reduce travel costs by replacing on-site visits with remote expert help for service technicians and customers.
  • Minimize machine downtime: Remotely guide your customer through preventive maintenance processes to extend the life of machines and reduce downtime.

Explore our most popular features

See Assist AR in action

Feature: Seamless Session Request

Feature: Shape Detection


Customer success

Get started with real-time, remote expert guidance

Let our experts show you exactly how TeamViewer Assist AR works and consult you on what setup would be most beneficial to your company.