Pins are used for adding content to a workflow. They are points of interest in space that are placed anywhere in the scene and are enriched with the content.
2. Move the mouse over the model and click at the desired location to add the pin. The other options/buttons of the Editor are disabled until you place the pin.
3. An added pin can be rotated and moved along the three axes; x, y, z. They are depicted in red, green, and blue, respectively. To move the pin so that it hovers over the model, use the arrows and transformation menu on the right.
⇒The pin will automatically be added to the Connector as a node. The new pin is already connected to the Scene State node if the Scene State node was selected when the pin was added. The connections between the three nodes define the order in which the Workplace app will process and display the information.
4. To see the options regarding connections, select one of these existing connections in the Connector. The menu on the right opens and shows that the connection is of type Auto with zero delays. This means that the connection immediately takes the user to the next node once it is reached. Except for defining the order in which the nodes are activated. Connections also provide the user with the ability to decide how and when the next node should be activated.
This is the desired default behavior for connections between the nodes used until now, so that all of them would happen at the moment when the workflow starts.
If the workflow is exported to Spatial Workplace now, these would happen:
It is helpful to give more informative or descriptive names to the pins. In this example, a good first instruction to give the users would be for them to select a module to get more information about it.
Select Pin 1 and on the menu to the right, change its name to Select a module.
The next step that the user would need to do is to create different buttons and pins for each of the modules to be included in the workflow.
This is how the workflow looks like after connecting the nodes:
In the workflow above, the nodes - Installation Guide, Safety Instructions and Component Description are not connected with the Workflow End and only Open Water Valve is. This means that while running it, the user has to go back to Select a Module and go to the end of the workflow through the Open Water Valve.