Open Management Console
To create a script, you have to log in to the TeamViewer Management Console with your TeamViewer account. In the Console, open your profile settings in the top right of the website.
TeamViewer provides a web-based API that allows you to access data and control various aspects of your TeamViewer account. You can use the API to develop apps that integrate TeamViewer functionality into your own corporate environment or you can develop apps that everyone can use. The API uses REST to communicate with your application and the secure authorization standard OAuth 2.0 to manage access to all data.
Get started
Developing your own application is easy. Follow the steps below or jump right into the API documentation to get started right away.
In the TeamViewer API, two different ways of using the API are distinguished: Either through Scripts or through Apps.
Apps are developed to be used by many different accounts. Because of this, Scripts and Apps have different ways of accessing TeamViewer data, represented by different types of tokens.
If you want to use the API for your own data only, create a script token. Don’t worry if you change your mind later, you can still migrate to an App with ease. If you want to create an App to be used by other TeamViewer customers, go ahead and create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
To create a script, you have to log in to the TeamViewer Management Console with your TeamViewer account. In the Console, open your profile settings in the top right of the website.
Write down the Token from the properties of the script you created recently. You will need the Token in the developing process.
You can now start writing your own script using the API documentation. or you can use your token in one of our example scripts.
To create an application, log in to the TeamViewer Management Console with your TeamViewer account. In the Console, open the Apps link in the footer of the website.
Write down the Client ID and the Client secret from the properties of the app you created recently. You will need them in the developing process.
You can now start writing your own application using the API documentation.
*Users are redirected to the URI after granting your application access to their data. If set, only authorization requests will be granted that use the given Redirect URI. Can be changed later.