In case you want to contact TeamViewer Support, it is helpful to know the concerning agent version.

What you will need

  • The edge device is set up with a TeamViewer Embedded Agent.
  • The edge device is connected to the internet.
  • Your PC is set up with the TeamViewer Client.
  • Your login credentials for the edge device (user name, and password).


1. On your PC open the TeamViewer Client and log in.

2. On the left side open the Computers & Contacts tab.

3. Double-click the device.

Teamviewer Embedded Agent for Linux:

4. In the Control Window on the top open the Remote Terminal tab.

5. Type in your user password and press enter.

6. Identify the version of your agent. In the terminal type in the following command and press return.

sudo teamviewer-iot-agent info

 Teamviewer Embedded Host for Windows:

4. Open Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

5. Here in the list will look for the “Teamviewer IoT Host”