## Frontline Command Center Configuration # This label is displayed on most of the websites in the header. e.g. 'My Company' xserver.label=Frontline # system badge (bottom right corner) xserver.systemBadge=true xserver.systemBadgeText=Please Configure # show eu law cookie consent info xserver.cookieconsent=false # Datasource configuration xserver.db.url=jdbc:mysql:// xserver.db.user= root xserver.db.password= qwer1234 # Sets the default language shown on the login page. After login the user specific language is applied. # choose from: en,de,es xserver.locale.default=en_US # xassist iceServer(s) for WebRTC (STUN,TURN) (howto create credentials see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35766382/coturn-how-to-use-turn-rest-api) # temporary-password = base64_encode(hmac-sha1(input = temporary-username, key = shared-secret))` xserver.xassist.iceserver= [{"urls": "turn:turn1.webrtc.ubimax.com:80?transport=tcp", "credential": "RuFVWJk1hidJAh7togsJb44bQ7A=", "username": "1623509877:ubiturn"},{"urls": "stun:turn1.webrtc.ubimax.com:80"}] # ffmpeg path. Required for webm to mp4 transcoding. If empty the processing will be disabled # linux default xserver.ffmpegpath=/usr/bin/ffmpeg xserver.ffprobepath=/usr/bin/ffprobe # Please be aware to unzip the following and copy it into the path: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-essentials.zip ##Windows default #xserver.ffmpegpath=C:/Program Files/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe #xserver.ffprobepath=C:/Program Files/ffmpeg/bin/ffprobe.exe #wether login/logout events are passed to microservice xserver.microservice.pass_login=false ## Web-Server configuration # Http or Https port. Server will only use one of these protocols server.port=8080 # External System URL. Proxy URL e.g. xserver.url.external.http= ###########SSL Configuration ############### # Set to true to enable SSL support # Please do not comment this out. Rather set it to false if you do not use ssl! # Note that http will be disabled and rewritten to https! server.ssl.enabled=false # Location of the Java KeyStore file containing the certificate # on window use the following path scheme e.g. c:/FrontlineHome/ssl/server.ks server.ssl.key-store=/Path/to/my/certificates/server.ks # Password for the keystore server.ssl.key-store-password=frontline server.ssl.key-password=frontline # disable components #xserver.components.disabled=Documentation,FileViewer,GPS,Skype,SpeechToText,Terminal,xAssist,xBand,Sensor,Hologram # optional mail server configuration #spring.mail.host=smtp.gmail.com #spring.mail.port=587 #spring.mail.username=username #spring.mail.password=password #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.starttls.required=true #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.auth=true #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.connectiontimeout=5000 #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.timeout=5000 #spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.writetimeout=5000 xserver.mqtt.broker.enabled=false xserver.mqtt.broker.url=tcp://iot.eclipse.org:1883 xserver.mqtt.broker.publisher=frontline
SSL is required to use xAssist. Without SSL, any modern browsers will not be able to access the microphone and the webcam.
To enable SSL, four properties need to be configured:
server.ssl.enabled=false server.ssl.key-store=/Path/to/my/certificates/server.ks server.ssl.key-store-password=key-store-password server.ssl.key-password=key-password
to trueserver.ssl.key-store
and server.ssl.key-password
Since the port and the protocol changed, update the external URLs:
xserver.url.external.http=https://an.example.com:443/ xserver.url.external.mqtt=wss://an.example.com:443/mqtt/
Make sure to use HTTPS and WSS instead of HTTP and WS.
If the server is set up for xAssist, then ffmpeg should also be set up, to enable transcoding recorded in-call videos.
In windows systems, download ffmpeg and unzip the files. Give the specified path in the xserver.properties
In Linux systems, open a terminal and simply install ffmpeg.
#Archive directory xserver.pdfservice.store=file:///c:/MyArchiveDirectory/FrontlineReports/ #enables/disables the feature xserver.pdfservice.enabled=true #PDF service url xserver.pdfservice.url=https://pdfmake.ubimax.com/335e5184-765a-11e9-8f9e-2a86e4085a59/pdfMake
xserver.workflow.archive.enabled=false xserver.workflow.archive.store=file:///c:/MyArchiveDirectory/wfarc/
This property enables/disables the Call Management feature.
fcc.xassist.contacts.expert-identification.enabled = true
This property enables/disables the multistreaming feature, which makes it possible to have more than two video streams in xAssist Calls.
This feature only works if the server is using Mediasoup.
xserver.xassist.multiStreamEnabled = true
This is used to change the max sending bitrate. Values are in bit.
fcc.xassist.sfuMaxPeerBitrate=7000000 fcc.xassist.maxAudienceSendingBitrate=600000
Restart the server to apply the new configuration.
This property enables/disables Conference calls, if disabled only 1:1(one on one) calls without any Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU) are allowed.
This property enables/disables the "Try to open in App" button, which is presented on the Join Call page for guest users.
Mediasoup can be enabled with the command:
Enables API access to the server, which activates the Rest API menu within the Frontline Command Center Administration.
Activate scheduled Server Configuration to delete tasks and call logs after a certain period:
Set the time (in days) after which the cleanup process runs:
Activate scheduled Server Configuration to delete tasks and call logs after a certain period:
Permission to allow deleting call logs in this server:
Set the time (in days) after which call logs are deleted as described in the server property.
Allows users to download the APK application via Frontline Command Center.
Permission to display the assigned user and allow filtering:
Permission to display the creator/updater of a task:
Permission to display the step details:
Permission to display the comments for the task:
Permission to display task media:
Change logout time. One hour by default is written in seconds (1 hour =3600 ) :
Device Monitoring can be enabled with the command:
Banner is displayed by default; however, it can be disabled using the command:
Asks the Frontline Worker for permission to take a picture with the SmartGlasses Application.
Restores all Standard Roles to their initial configurations while Custom Roles remain unchanged.
To add custom permissions, it is often best to add them to a new Customized Role instead of modifying an existing Standard Role.
When updating the FWP release version, the app language settings can be set to the last logged-in user's language preference. This feature works on release versions both for the server and the app. The endpoint needs to be set correctly in the property.
App: KeepLocale: true Endpoint: Http: https://frontlineworker.com/(server name)
To configure the timeout for a message send to a connector, set the connection timeout in seconds (10 seconds as an example):
To configure the timeout for a message to be read, set the connection timeout in seconds (10 seconds as an example):