Uniting is an Australian aged care and community services provider. Along with all aged care providers in Australia, Uniting faces significant challenges in delivering timely clinical care due to a global workforce shortage in nursing. Introducing TeamViewer combined with smart glasses has significantly alleviated this pressure, particularly in delivering fast clinical care to residents in rural and regional locations. The thermal imaging features, as well as remote assistance capabilities, empower clinical staff to provide real-time remote consultations and interventions, enhancing the quality of care and reducing the need for hospital admissions.
Like all healthcare providers globally, Uniting faces challenges around a skills shortage and a growing ageing population. Add to this the vast and remote nature of some of the population in Australia, which was only heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic and significantly impacted its ability to provide effective clinical care.
The reduction in physical interactions increased potential clinical risks. These included consumers suffering from pressure injuries and other deteriorating conditions because they were not getting enough physical activity or direct care. The inability to conduct regular physical check-ups and interventions meant that minor issues could escalate into serious health problems quickly.
Uniting also faced logistical difficulties in providing timely care, especially to those in rural and remote areas. The travel restrictions and overwhelmed healthcare system caused significant delays in clinical interventions, leaving residents in these regions particularly vulnerable. This delay in providing necessary care affected their health and put additional strain on the healthcare providers who were trying to manage these growing clinical risks under unprecedented circumstances.
Hayley Ryan Clinical Specialist Lead at Uniting
“TeamViewer has transformed Uniting’s approach to clinical care, letting the team respond quickly and effectively, even in the most remote locations.”
Uniting needed a way to meet the challenges during the pandemic but also a solution that could address the long-term issue of skills and remote consumers. This was crucial when choosing a provider, as it wanted to innovate in how it provided the best clinical care to consumers, no matter the circumstances.
Uniting determined that TeamViewer Frontline Assist, a remote assistance solution, was the best option to address its clinical care challenges. TeamViewer's software, running on smart glasses with thermal imaging sensors, provided a robust platform for remote clinical assessments and real-time interaction with Uniting’s consumers.
The smart glasses provide a hands-free method for nurses to examine consumers with health issues, while TeamViewer facilitates seamless communication between on-site staff and remote specialists. The thermal imaging sensors also led to early detection of conditions like pressure injuries, letting staff intervene promptly and prevent complications.
Hayley Ryan, Clinical Specialist Lead said, “We wanted to support consumers' needs in case of a health issue as fast as possible. The combination of smart glasses plus TeamViewer’s remote assistance software and the thermal sensors provided a cohesive solution that lets us look holistically at every clinical area in real time.”
Having seen the significant benefits of the solution, Uniting is in the process of further rolling out this solution across its operations, establishing a centralized command centre. This command centre is staffed by clinical nurse consultants and specialists who provide immediate telehealth services upon request. It is set to manage and coordinate remote consultations, delivering timely care to those in need. Clinicians in the field could request assistance from the command centre at any time for real-time consultations and interventions. Additionally, Uniting is developing comprehensive training programs to ensure clinical staff are proficient in using the new technology, covering smart glasses and TeamViewer software. This holistic approach lets Uniting conduct real-time assessments, involve general practitioners (GPs) and specialists remotely, and provide urgent clinical care without the need for physical presence.
Andrew Dome Chief Digital Information Officer at Uniting
“We are deeply committed to partnering with organizations that share our values, and in TeamViewer, we found a bold and imaginative ally.”
The TeamViewer solution has yielded significant benefits for Uniting. The initial trial was conducted with four headsets and as a result hospital referrals were reduced by 62% as immediate remote assessments prevented conditions from worsening. At the same time, clinical outcomes improved due to early detection and intervention facilitated by thermal imaging and remote assistance.
The solution has delivered significant annual saving due to a 100% reduction in travel for their clinical nurses and 75% reduction in response times. The results from the trial were so significant that Uniting has rolled out more headsets across its operations, which will only reduce response times and hospital referrals further and increase savings. Scalable training programs also well-equip clinical staff to use the technology effectively, reinforcing Uniting’s commitment to innovative and high-quality care delivery.
Overall, the use of TeamViewer and smart glasses has set a new benchmark in aged care, demonstrating how technology can bridge gaps in healthcare delivery, improve health outcomes, and enhance the efficiency of healthcare services. The solution’s overwhelming success has attracted federal grants, and the benefits have been felt beyond Uniting and its consumers.
Andrew Dome, Chief Digital Information Officer said, “A lot of other companies have tried and tested similar products and have done so in an isolated case; Uniting has rolled it out on a larger scale and presented the results at multiple conferences to share the benefits with other care providers. Uniting has won federal grants to roll the solution out as part of the Australian government’s telehealth initiative.”
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