Work 4.0: How Will We Work in the Future?

Results of a survey of the expectations of employees and employers in ten European countries.

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TeamViewer - How will we work in the future?

Key Findings

71 out of 100 office workers

expect that digital communication technologies and collaboration software will become relevant to their profession in the future. Among non-office workers, about 45% believe the same.

Around 21% of employers

assume that remote working will be the norm in the future.

Only 13 out of 100 employees

think that new technologies will take over a large part of their work tasks.

About the Report

In this up-to-date 50-page report, you gain valuable insights into how leaders and employees in 10 European countries perceive future technologies and digital trends and what their opinions are on:

  • Technology of the future
  • Humans and technology working together
  • Future ways of working
  • Required qualifications and further training

Get valuable insights

The analysis you find in the report is based on a survey that was carried out online by the market research firm YouGov. In total, 5,278 employees and 3,654 corporate decision makers were surveyed. The survey was conducted in ten European countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom. The Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) is an independent research institute under the umbrella of the Handelsblatt Media Group.