TeamViewer vs Competitors

Why choose TeamViewer over other Competitors

Connect and support your entire technology fleet with secure remote access from TeamViewer.

Where TeamViewer wins

Need powerful remote technology for IT support, device management, and work-from-home? Then TeamViewer is the way to go. Find out how.

  • Simplicity

    TeamViewer’s portfolio is as simple as it gets: Select your license based on the number of users you support, then choose your add-ons. With TeamViewer, you only pay for the features you need and always get market-leading technology. Other Solutions don’t give you this flexibility, so you may find yourself paying for a feature set that doesn’t suit your team’s needs. 

  • Scalability

    TeamViewer grows with your business. All TeamViewer solutions share the same environment. This makes it easy to scale up your license as your team grows. Many other solutions are separate from each other. That means switching from a basic license to a more advanced one can be as time-consuming as onboarding an entirely new piece of software.  

  • Security

    Your security is TeamViewer’s number one priority. With advanced security features such as Conditional Access and Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC), TeamViewer ensures that only authorized individuals can use TeamViewer or access your infrastructure. 

  • Reliability

    You can rely on TeamViewer, no matter what. With a global network of over 1400 routers, TeamViewer ensures high-quality connections, even in low-bandwidth environments. TeamViewer’s remote access technology supports multi-monitor setups in full 4K resolution, allowing you to work with remote devices just as easily as if they were in front of you.

  • Compatibility

    TeamViewer supports your entire technology fleet. Covering a combined total of 127 different manufacturers, TeamViewer solutions are compatible with a wide range of operating systems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and operational technology (OT). Some other products aren’t compatible with Linux and offer limited options for IoT and OT use cases.

  • Integration

    TeamViewer fits right into your existing tech stack — thanks to its integrations with leading software vendors like Google, Salesforce, and SAP. TeamViewer is a 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year, offering deep integrations for Teams and Copilot and the only remote support integration for Intune on the market to date.


TeamViewer feature examples

TeamViewer Tensor

AI Session Insights & AI Session Analytics


Single Sign-On (SSO)


Mass Deployment


Conditional Access






Available light agent


Available integrations

Incl. Microsoft Intune, SAP, IMB, and more



TeamViewer excels on all major comparison sites


  • 100,182 reviews

  • 3,344 reviews

  • 2,543 reviews

  • 11,479 reviews

What makes TeamViewer special?

Enterprise-grade security

TeamViewer is secured by end-to-end 256-bit AES encryption, two-factor authentication, and other industry-grade security features, including conditional access and single sign-on (SSO).


TeamViewer leaves the competition behind when it comes to compatibility. It covers a total of 127 manufacturers for mobile devices, operating systems, and embedded devices.

Top performance

TeamViewer’s global access network will provide you with the best possible connection, so you can enjoy immersive remote access and support sessions with fast transfer speeds and high image quality.

Industry-leading security and compliance

BitSight Security Ratings ranks TeamViewer within the top 1% of the tech industry. TeamViewer is committed to delivering the best in security and is certified according to leading industry standards.

The numbers speak for themselves


customers worldwide

2.5 billion

devices connected

Up to 45 million

devices online at the same time

Award-winning software for both individuals and companies