24 thg 3, 2022

How to send large files? - Innovative solutions for fast data transfer

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Sending large files: The problem with large files

Sending large files is still a challenge – no matter how digitalized the world already is. Pictures, videos and songs can rarely be sent by email. That’s why you need a different approach to sending large files.

In many industries, large amounts of data are very common. This always raises the question: How to send large data files through email? Most email providers allow you to save between 10 and 25 MB per file. If you exceed this maximum size, even Gmail refuses to work. The problem: Large attachments put too much strain on the available disk space. While a simple Word document rarely causes problems, things are different with images, videos or music files. They regularly exceed the specified limit many times over. The same applies if you want to send larger amounts of data or working with large files involves collaboration.

Overview: How to send large files

Sending large files works best if you avoid email. Instead, you can consider other options.

  • Compress attachments: Compression software lets you convert entire folders into zip files. They usually support lossless optimization and take up less storage space.
  • Use the cloud: If you have storage space in the cloud, the question of how to send large data files doesn’t even arise. You simply put them in Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. Then you control who has access to them.
  • Use a USB flash: You want to share your own music with a friend or producer? The question of how to send large mp3 files always poses challenges to those involved. In such a situation, it may make sense to share the data via physical storage.
  • Use online services: Online you can find free and paid services that allow you to send large files. Sending large files is not a problem with such providers, as each file is allowed to be around 250 MB in size.
  • Professional software: In everyday business, it’s not just the mere possibility of sending of large files that’s important, but also the security of this data. VPN or TeamViewer, for example, offer additional protection against hackers.

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Try TeamViewer for free and easily send large files from device to device

Programs for sending large files

The issue of sending large files is the focus of numerous providers. Different programs are suitable for different purposes:

  • WeTransfer: Do you want to send your data as quickly as possible? Then WeTransfer is a quick and easy solution. Here you can send up to 2 GB at the same time without registration.
  • Send Anywhere: For example, if you want to send large video files from your phone, Send Anywhere is an excellent alternative. The provider supports various platforms and offers apps for iOS and Android at the same time.
  • Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive: These three solutions are known for their generous cloud storage space. However, you need an account to use the services.
  • TeamViewer: TeamViewer’s software is a reliable program to send large files. It is often used in business context as it is equally straightforward and secure. Neither a link nor a subsequent download is required for the transfer: The data is transferred directly to the desired PC. This makes team collaboration noticeably easier.

File sharing with TeamViewer: fast, uncomplicated and secure

TeamViewer is especially known for its excellent file transfer. It is a software solution that ensures secure file transfer and enables productive collaboration. Whether it’s sending large files to your colleagues, external collaborators or customers, the file transfer software can handle even very large amounts of data:

  • Security: TeamViewer attaches great importance to the security of your data. That’s why many companies opt for the file transfer offered. Even if you work in your home office, you can always be sure that the files will reach your colleagues or your superiors within the shortest possible time. The implemented security mechanisms are state of the art and are constantly being improved.
  • Versatile application possibilities: You can use TeamViewer’s software from your PC, laptop as well as smartphone. This makes the solution a powerful communication tool that supports you in many areas.
  • Ease to use: File transfer not only be secure, but also simple. That’s why you can drag and drop your files across platforms. There is no need to select long file paths.

The important thing about sending large files is that the process enables sharing and speeds up existing workflows. This makes it possible to avoid deadline pressure and invest more time in your projects.