Connections represent the course of a workflow and can be visualized in the 2D connector.

  • Add: Allows users to add Scene State Node, Menu, Pin (2D), Quiz Pin (2D), Barcode, Step, or Node Group.
  • Objects: Allows users to Duplicate, Copy, Paste, or Delete the nodes or connections.
  • Reset View: Resets the position and zoom factor of the window to the default values.
  • Scale to Fit: Makes all markers and pins visible at the same time.
  • Auto Layout: Allows you to automatically arrange markers and pins.
  • Focus On Selection: Positions the selected node to the center.
  • Preview Mode: Allows users to visualize the workflow they have created before finalizing it. This helps reduce the number of uploads to the FCC for corrections, saving time and effort. The mode offers two options: New Preview Path and Enable Preview.

Preview Mode

When selecting New Preview Path, users can choose the view they want to preview after selecting the nodes. A workflow containing multiple Scene States will have several views, so selecting the correct one is important.

The Enable Preview option allows users to activate the last selected preview. It can also be used to disable the preview when needed.