This article applies to TeamViewer (Classic) users on Linux.

Supported distributions

TeamViewer (Classic) currently provides:

  • DEB packages for Debian and Ubuntu based systems
  • RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora

as well as

  • RPM packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE

While not officially supported, these packages are usually compatible with most derived distributions such as

  • Kubuntu
  • Lubuntu
  • Mint or elementary OS (DEB packages)
  • Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux, OpenMandriava, or Mageia (RPM packages).

Other distributions

For distributions that are not based on DEB or RPM packages, TeamViewer (Classic) also provides TAR packages with a custom installer available.

Read more here: Use the TAR package for Linux

3rd party packages

Some distributions provide their own packages for TeamViewer (Classic) which are usually based on the TAR package and custom-tailored to those distributions.

While these packages are helpful you might prefer our TAR packages, in case:

  • you want to use TeamViewer (Classic) without installation
  • distribution packages are not up-to-date
  • no TeamViewer Host package is provided by the community

Here are some of the distributions that provide TeamViewer packages:

Note: These packages are maintained by community members. TeamViewer takes no responsibility for these packages.

Arch Linux and Manjaro


git clone
cd teamviewer
makepkg -si

Gentoo, Sabayon


emerge teamviewer


apt-get install teamviewer


sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety
sudo eopkg it teamviewer*.eopkg;sudo rm teamviewer*.eopkg
sudo systemctl start teamviewerd.service