TeamViewer Monitoring identifies problems in your IT infrastructure and immediately alerts you when and where your attention is required. This helps you keep an eye on the operational state of servers, workstations, and network devices—regardless of location—by monitoring aspects such as CPU usage, memory usage, and running processes/services. By staying on top of these alerts, you can run maintenance to resolve issues in record time.

This article applies to all TeamViewer Monitoring customers.

How to access TeamViewer Monitoring

TeamViewer Monitoring can be accessed in TeamViewer Remote or the web app by clicking the Remote Management tab on the left-hand menu.

When accessing TeamViewer Monitoring, we recommend beginning on the Overview tab. This provides quick-access information that lets you see what devices need more immediate attention. The following information can be found at the top of the Overview tab:

  • Number of active vs available endpoints
  • Total open alerts
  • Amount of alerts in the past 7 days
  • Amount of acknowledged alerts in the past 7 days

Below the alert summary are multiple graphs providing more visual data regarding the alerts. The graphs provide various information regarding the last 30 days:

  • Alert summary by day
  • Alert status summary
  • Device alert history
  • Device with most alerts
  • Top alert types
  • Script Executions by day
  • Rule executions by day

Hint: To access the alerts directly, select the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the Alerts by day graph.

Monitoring alerts explained

TeamViewer Monitoring generates alerts when there is a risk of breaching a set threshold defined in the assigned Monitoring policy.

Learn more about TeamViewer Monitoring policies

Different alert statuses are available:

Detected alert

An alert is generated when a set check is at risk of breaching its configured threshold. The alert status appears as Detected and is in red. Click View to see more information.

Acknowledged alert

Once an alert is generated, a user can acknowledge it, setting the alert status to Acknowledged.

Note: Acknowledging an alert does not mean the issue is resolved. It only means a supporter has seen and noted the alert, possibly investigating it later (in cases of non-critical issues that do not require an immediate fix).

Resolved alert

When the configured threshold of a set check returns to within its expected threshold, the alert will resolve automatically. The alert will return back to green to indicate a Resolved status.

Hint: Most Monitoring checks will attempt to verify and analyze if thresholds are breached or resolved every minute. However, if a time delay is set in the policy, the verification will happen based on that timeframe.

How to access the alerts history

TeamViewer Monitoring's alerts history is focused on incident response. All raised alerts (where the check threshold was breached) can be filtered, organized, and exported for further analysis.

Alerts history can be accessed within TeamViewer Remote or the web app by clicking Alerts history on the left-hand menu.

Alerts history shows a recent history of all alerts on devices. Admins get a first-hand overview of the amount of total open alerts, new alerts in the last 24 hours, and open alerts in the last 24 hours.

How to filter alerts history

TeamViewer Monitoring allows the filtration of alerts, enabling the user to get a comprehensive view based on their current needs. Filters can be created by clicking + Add Filters in the upper right corner.

TeamViewer Monitoring offers the following filter options:

  • Filter by group
  • Filter by device
  • Filter by Alert type
  • Filter by Alert status
  • Filter by Date range

It is also possible to generate an export of the overview as a CSV file. Click Export all to CSV to begin the export.

How to set up notifications

TeamViewer Monitoring provides the ability to receive email notifications to any member of your company profile, as well as push notifications to their mobile device. An email is sent for the Detected alert as well as the Resolved alert (for the same check). Notifications are set up in the Monitoring policy.

Learn more about Monitoring policies

Hint: Notifications are check-specific, meaning different users can be alerted in different situations.

Email notification

When setting a check within the TeamViewer Monitoring policy, a field for Notify this contact appears at the bottom of the requested check. Select the desired recipient from the drop-down that appears here.

Note: Only TeamViewer accounts that are a part of the same company profile can receive TeamViewer Monitoring alerts.

Push notifications

Along with email notifications, users can be notified via push notifications to a mobile device. This requires the mobile version of TeamViewer Remote Control to be installed on the desired device.

When activated, the mobile device the supporter is logged into will receive push notifications whenever an alarm is triggered.

Note: Push notifications will be sent to the TeamViewer account selected for each alert. Please also ensure that notifications are allowed for the TeamViewer Remote Control app.