Co-innovate with us

Join our User Focus Program

What is the User Focus Program?

Would you like to co-innovate with us? If so, we’d like to invite you to become product development partners with us, as part of an exclusive, but free program for a select few users called the User Focus Program.

Through this program, we will collaborate with you in shaping the course of TeamViewer.

Simply apply for the UFP for free by filling out an application survey.

If you have more questions, please write to

We are excited to work with you to make TeamViewer even better.

Public survey

Take part in a current survey and find out whether our User Focus program (where you have even more opportunities to participate) could be something for you.

Wolfram Nagel Senior UX Designer at TeamViewer

“Your feedback will be crucial in building the right features, solving the right problems and defining the right user experience. We believe that creating the best possible product for you lies in putting the users at the center of all our product decisions.”

So how does this program work?

A selected group of a few users will interact directly with TeamViewer product managers and designers. Members get exclusive previews and will be encouraged to give early feedback on ideas in terms of usability and features.

What are the benefits of participating in the program?

You have the power to shape the features and future of TeamViewer by directly interacting with the TeamViewer product team. You have first-hand information and access to new features, designs and functionalities built in TeamViewer products.

Would you like to participate in this program?

Complete a questionaire so you can tell us about yourself. It will take about 5-8 minutes.

We will select individuals for the program based on the survey results, who we believe are the best match for the program.

We will then invite the selected ones to join our User Focus Program.

If you want to leave the User Focus Program, just send an email.

Frequently asked questions

The purpose of the User Focus Program (UFP) is to understand how people use TeamViewer in general and our different products in particular and to shape the course of TeamViewer. Your participation in the UFP will help us make the product easier to use.

The program started in May 2019.

You will be part of our user research (for details see explanation below). Regularly we’ll ask you to take part in short surveys, feature demos, remote or on-site usability test sessions, as well as one-on-one or group interviews. It’s also possible that we communicate directly via e-mail or chat, for example. Direct communication and individual research and test sessions are optional and voluntary.

This will give you the opportunity to provide feedback on new feature designs and workflows, as well as to help us understand your needs and goals when using TeamViewer.

From time to time we may provide incentives for selected participants to reward your time and participation in the UFP.

This program runs in English.

You need to be a TeamViewer user and use it (at least one of our products) on a regular basis.

User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through surveys, observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies.

Direct communication and individual test and research sessions are optional and voluntary. You can also only participate in surveys if you do not want to get in touch with us directly.

The gained insights help us to improve the usability of TeamViewer. We incorporate user research methods to guide the design, development, and refinement of our products.  It is an iterative process.

User research means listening and talking to users, collecting feedback, interviewing them, testing them while using the product (also prototypes or early not yet released versions) or doing TeamViewer related tasks, such as remote control, remote access, remote support, remote management, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer.

We will collect information and use it to improve the product, to discuss potential features and improvements to build our roadmap. Personal information collected during user research will never be put on the website or any other public channel. It will only be used internally.

Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you avoid showing sensitive information during research sessions. Occasionally we will record user research sessions including audio and video streams or document situations and environment with photographs (only!) with your consent.

The primary communication channel of the User Focus Program (UFP) is the TeamViewer Community. You have to be registered there. You will be informed via notifications when we post a new topic (e.g. a survey).

Please subscribe to the UFP board to stay informed via notifications as soon as we post a new topic (e.g. a survey). (If you do not subscribe, you will have to check regularly on your own if there are any updates.)

To enable notifications by subscribing to the board, please go to the User Focus Program board, click on Options and choose Subscribe

In the application questionnaire you have to choose at least one product area. You will then be added to the corresponding UFP board in the Community.

We will ask you to show us how you use the TeamViewer product(s) in general. We will either watch how you process various tasks, interview you or ask you some questions personally or invite you to surveys and polls (e.g. via QuestionPro or an in-house developed survey tool).

This information helps us to understand you (as a representative for users with comparable usage) better and to optimize the product for you.

We will also store the information you provide us in a content management system and in internal file storage cloud systems (e.g. Box). We will link and evaluate the information you provide with information about tasks and jobs that are relevant in the context of TeamViewer use cases.

To be able to contact you, to understand for which user group you may be representative, to understand how and why you use a specific TeamViewer product, and to optimize TeamViewer towards your needs we will ask you to provide us the following personal information:

Name (first and last name / both voluntary), E-mail, TeamViewer community username, TeamViewer employee (yes or no), Company name (voluntary), Phone number (or comparable contact details) and/or available working hours (in case we want to contact you prior to interview sessions or usability tests), Country you live in (voluntary), Workplace location (voluntary), Some voluntary details about you (e.g. brief description of yourself, short biography / we request you to avoid any sensitive information).

With the same goals as mentioned in the previous tab and in addition to the personal information we will ask you to provide us also the following related information:

Why you want to participate in the UFP, Open for personal research sessions, Job description and role when using TeamViewer products, Company size, Industry sector, Device usage and possession in general, Device usage with TeamViewer products, TeamViewer usage, On which operating systems and platforms you use TeamViewer? (e.g. Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, browser, etc.), To which operating systems and platforms you connect, TeamViewer products and services you use, Features you use, How you use TeamViewer products and services, TeamViewer related use cases, Private and/or professional usage, Your domain experience / knowledge about your subject area of your workplace, Your general level of IT- / technical skills, Expert knowledge / professional experience, Usage frequency of and (amount of) time spent with TeamViewer product(s), Typical number of participants in sessions or meetings, Duration of sessions or meetings and TeamViewer product usage, Product license(s) and their usage and coverage, Number of devices you use with the product and license, How you use specific products and services in general, Role when using TeamViewer products (e.g. presenter or organizer in online meetings, or supporter or admin when doing remote support)

Voluntary information that helps us classify and use your feedback even better (all of them related to the subject area):

Year of birth (in order for us to determine your age group), Quote/ motto, Product loyalty, Product familiarity, If you used TeamViewer before, Other comparable products you use(d), Their major strengths, Their major weaknesses, Goals and outcomes when using a product or working on tasks that are related to TeamViewer use cases, Jobs To Be Done related to the subject area (importance and satisfaction regarding specific jobs and outcomes), Needs, problems and pain points, Personal motives and motivation, Challenges and frustrations, Relevant key scale metrics, Opinion on product features and potential changes and improvements, Your experience with the product, Reason why you rated questions and topics in a specific way

TeamViewer employees (especially people in the product team) may have access to the collected information. These people will typically be the product managers, product owners, user experience designers, and developers. Other people involved in the design of the product may have access to this information in the future. This information will be treated as confidential.

We may publish research reports that include your comments and actions, but in such cases your personal data will be anonymous. This means your name and identity will not be linked in our research reports to anything you say or do.

Please also consider our Privacy Notice.

You have to give consent before you join the User Focus Program. This allows us to use your private information for the purpose of the TeamViewer User Focus Program.

There is a specific consent step that appears before you can apply for the User Focus Program via the application survey. The consent will be finalized when you also join the TeamViewer Community, that way we can ensure we have been able to verify your contact email.

If you want to withdraw your consent in the future, contact us at any time via We will destroy any personal data we stored of you. Otherwise, we will delete your personal data after you have left the User Focus Program. General data will be kept but anonymized (that means we will delete name, surname, e-mail address and company name).

You can exit the program at any time. To do this you can send us an e-mail via

You can exit the program without revoking consent. When requesting to exit the program we will delete personal information related to your identity when you want us to do so. Otherwise we keep it (at least for two years after last login). Your personal information will be deleted by us when you do not login or participate in the User Focus Program for two years. Any other information will be anonymized.