git clone /tmp/teamviewer-port/ cd /tmp/teamviewer-port make install
1. Download the ports package from the TeamViewer public GitHub repository:
2. Unpack or clone the ports package or files under path <x>, e.g. /tmp/teamviewer-port/:
git clone /tmp/teamviewer-port
3. Run make package inside the unpacked/checked out ports folder <x>. The resulted artifact is placed in the subdirectory work/pkg and uses the naming scheme teamviewer-iot-agent-<version>.txz
cd /tmp/teamviewer-port make package
4. (end customer) Install the FreeBSD package with the following command:
pkg add /tmp/teamviewer-port/work/pkg/teamviewer-iot-agent-.[txz/pkg]
1. Customers who have their permanent residence in the Republic of Korea (ROK) require a separate EULA confirmation flow.
2. Include the EULA and DPA to be accepted during the provision flow.
Important note: The agent will not start without the confirmation of the EULA!
Note: Once the EULA has been accepted - The Embedded agent can and should be started with service teamviewer_iot_agent start. - The assignment does not work without the agent having been started!
3. Assignment
Use the following command:
/usr/local/libexec/teamviewer-iot-agent assign --api-token --group --alias
As a result, it will print out the following message displaying the name of the new manager and the group where the device is in:
Device is assigned to and located in the <group name> (default = IoT) group. Device will be accessible and managed by this account. Assignment can be removed using 'unmanage' command.
If the token assignment was not successful, an error message will be displayed and an exit code other than 0 is returned.