Exporting your users allows you to easily manage and back up your user data. This feature is beneficial for maintaining records, migrating data to other systems, or performing bulk updates.

This article applies to Premium, Corporate, and Tensor license holders.

How to export your users

To export your users, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Admin settings.
  2. Within the User management section, click Users.
  3. Set filters if you want to export a specific set of users. If you want to export all users, do not apply any filters.
  4. Click Export to CSV.
  5. Choose your delimiter and click Export file.

You have successfully exported your users to a CSV file. You will find your export in your Downloads folder.

Note: The export function is based on the “you export what you see” principle. This means if you have set some filters and are displaying only specific users, the export will contain those specific users. If you want to export all users, please ensure no filter is active.