2024. 9. 3.

How to expand your Chromebook with TeamViewer

Google's Chromebook has been a gamechanger in everyday computing. Learn how to supercharge it with TeamViewer.

Connect and support people, Future of work, How to

Google Chromebooks are super – often the perfect choice for people looking for inexpensive and lightweight computers with considerable battery power.

As the market has grown, Chrome OS developed, and manufacturers added more features. Now most Chromebooks can download Android apps, and many can connect to docking stations and power true work-from-home setups.

All this means Chromebooks have become a popular device for workers and students. Even before the pandemic, over 60 percent of US students used Chromebooks for schoolwork in classrooms and at home. They’re choosing them for these reasons:

  • Lower cost (on average) than laptops
  • Smaller size and greater portability
  • All-day battery life
  • Frequently updated operating system
  • Continuous software updates

But for certain kinds of technical work, the Chromebook is limited. In this article, we’ll look at the reasons behind the Chromebook's rise in popularity, why it has presented challenges for IT teams, and how to supercharge it with TeamViewer Remote.

In this article:

The rise of the Chromebook

During the pandemic, Chromebook popularity grew as workers and children had to find ways to work from home. Many companies bought them in a rush, or workers simply starting using personal computers at home. As a result, IT departments and support specialists had to learn how to support them and their new operating system.

But what if those remote workers need a powerful workstation at their disposal, like engineers, architects, or graphic designers? Chromebooks offer great user experience, and their functionality is growing all the time. But they simply weren't built to run heavy-duty applications natively.

But with TeamViewer Remote for Chrome, you can minimize many of the common challenges Chromebooks face. Things like:

  • Lack of robust processing power
  • Lack of available enterprise-level apps
  • Lack of interoperability with other platforms and operating systems

Widening the capabilities of the Chromebook

Chrome OS is tied to both Android and Linux. As a result, TeamViewer has been available to provide remote computer control through your Chromebook for quite some time. This makes working from home more productive. Simply remote-in to a more powerful office workstation and use those applications and files as though you were there.

This is possible because only the screen's image changes are shared as data. This means Chromebooks don’t need powerful graphics cards, large storage capacities, or fast processors to work remotely with resource-intensive applications. And that alone vastly expands the capabilities of the Chromebook.

Remote workers can also access network resources without having to expand your VPN costs. Unlike VPN, with TeamViewer's remote access solution, no data leaves your premises so there’s no strain on VPN bandwidth.

Want to get the most from your Chromebook?

Download TeamViewer Remote for free today.

Supporting Chromebooks remotely

Providing support to Chromebooks has never been the platform’s strong suit, especially remotely. Until now, the Chromebook’s primary use case was in schools, where remote devices tended not to leave the building. Typically, there were always adults available to monitor usage and help when technical problems came up.

But now Chromebooks are more widely used at home for distance learning and in business settings. As a result, IT departments see the need to support not only their investment in Chromebooks but also their networks. After all, Chrome OS is still an unfamiliar operating system to many. Not to mention all the inherent challenges that come with working remotely.

With TeamViewer, technical support or help desk personnel can remotely access Chromebooks from a PC, Mac, or mobile device. This allows them to see what’s happening both while it's attended in use or unattended without an active user. In attended mode, support providers can use pointers to help guide users through solving their problems or train them how to use new tools.

Chromebooks supporting Chromebooks

It’s rare to connect remotely between Chromebooks, and especially with cloud-based providers. TeamViewer has recently made this capability possible, so you can stay connected even if you have many Chromebook users. Technical support can experience the benefits of Chromebooks, like portability and battery life, while still helping their customers.

Chromebook-to-Chromebook remote connections can also change how teachers interact with students who once got more attention in the classroom. Plus, many teachers use school-issued Chromebooks.

With TeamViewer, they can connect to their students’ computers to give feedback, teach lessons, and guide them through challenges, just like in the classroom. All the while, helping ensure students to stay on task.

Recent years have brought a set of remote work challenges that no one could have predicted. Working remotely with Chromebooks and TeamViewer can be a great way to overcome them effectively, efficiently. They are relatively inexpensive, too – always good for your IT budget.

With TeamViewer remote access software, you can support Chromebooks and use Chromebooks to provide support to other users. This will help your organization to become more agile by leveraging Chromebooks’ cost savings and portability.


In summary, Chromebooks have evolved from budget-friendly, lightweight devices into powerful tools capable of supporting diverse work environments, especially with the integration of TeamViewer's remote access software. This evolution enables IT departments to offer robust tech support and allows users to leverage powerful applications remotely.

Whether for distance learning or professional use, the smooth connectivity and enhanced functionality of Chromebooks with TeamViewer make them an invaluable asset. Embrace the future of remote work by maximizing your Chromebook's potential, ensuring productivity, and maintaining cost-effectiveness for your organization.

Together, Chromebooks and TeamViewer can redefine what’s possible in remote work.

Want to boost your Chromebook?

Support and enjoy the functionality of other remote devices with TeamViewer for ChromeOS.