
How remote learning is helping people learn and study

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Remote learning is opening up new doors for education

It’s funny to think about just how much education has changed in recent years. No longer a case of a teacher writing notes on a chalkboard while students copy them down with a pen and paper, we’re learning in entirely new ways. The way we can learn and study is not just changing, but changing for the better. We’re experiencing previously unheard of methods of teaching and studying, and discovering new ways of collaborating in the process.

Perhaps one of the biggest movers and shakers in terms of training tools for businesses has been the introduction of TeamViewer with its conference call feature. This type of program allows employees to attend important meetings and training workshops from home or when working abroad. Video conferencing and VoIP calls have allowed for much more cooperation between employees who can’t physically be in the room together, but still want to use remote learning to keep up to date with new business practices and online training. Instant messaging features also mean that colleagues can communicate without having to do so verbally.

Thankfully, it’s not just those in the business world that get to benefit from remote learning possibilities. Anyone learning a new language, for instance, can use TeamViewer software to communicate with a teacher over great distances. Because speaking, listening, reading and writing is important with language learning, the video and instant chat features help to bridge the gap that could arise when creating a physical classroom environment isn’t feasible. It’s also possible to annotate PDF documents while in this digital classroom of sorts. This all means that these types of online learning tools expand the reaches of education to more people.

Of course, let’s not forget about screen recording. Many workplaces love this software from TeamViewer already, primarily due to the ability to record webinars and create training videos that can be accessed at any point and from anywhere. However, what about those who simply want to produce videos on YouTube to help solve troubleshooting issues and tech queries? Programs like Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut, and Logic Pro, for example, have legions of fans but plenty of people simply can’t learn how to use these programs via books or how-to blog posts. An expert in one of these software programs can use screen recording technology as an e-learning tool to help visually explain, step-by-step, how to perform certain actions in a way that only video can do.

Classrooms the world over are slowly becoming more digitised and students learning with a laptop has by now become a common sight. What this means is that teachers have new, effective training tools on hand with which to educate their students. Take screen sharing, for example. This feature would allow a teacher to share the contents of their computer screen with their students (both those physically in their classroom and those tuning in online), making paper handouts and projectors completely obsolete.

What’s more, if a teacher is at home creating a test or new assignment and requires documents from their office computer, it’s possible to connect the two devices using remote access and find the files necessary for their work. School IT staff can also help with technical problems related to student or staff computers, as it’s far easier and more cost-effective to simply connect to the computer in question with remote access.

Remote learning is offering education exciting, new opportunities. With the software from TeamViewer, educators can make better use of real and viable e-learning tools to bring training and teaching methods into the future.

Learn more about TeamViewer