This article applies to previous versions of TeamViewer (Classic) for Linux (TeamViewer 12 and lower).

Graphical installation

We generally recommend using the graphical installer when installing TeamViewer (Classic). This can be invoked by double-clicking the downloaded package.

In situations where using the graphical installer is not possible (e.g. the Archive Manager opens up), instead open the context menu by right-clicking on the downloaded package. Depending on your distribution you will get different possibilities to install the package, e.g. “Open with software installation”, “Open with GDebi package installer”, “Open with Ubuntu Software Center”, or “Open with QApt package installer”.

Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE

The teamviewer.i686.rpm package is required for Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, and SUSE in order to install TeamViewer (Classic). Due to this, we recommend using the graphical installer as described above.

Installation via command line

If you prefer to use the command line, or if there is no graphical installer available, you can use one of these commands as an administrator:

yum install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm 

📌Note: This command is recommended, as it will install missing dependencies

# on Suse
zypper install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm
rpm -i teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm 

Download public key

In case “yum” is asking for a missing public key, you can download the public key file here and import the key by using the following command as an administrator:

rpm --import TeamViewer_Linux_PubKey.asc 

After importing the public key, please execute the “yum”-command again to install the TeamViewer rpm.

Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu…

The teamviewer_i386.deb package is needed to install TeamViewer (Classic) on modern DEB-systems (32/64-bit). Due to this, we recommend using the graphical installer as described above.

Installation via command line

If you prefer to use the command line, or if there is no graphical installer available, you can use one of these commands as an administrator: 

apt install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx_i386.deb 

Older systems (Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 7 and below)

Run this command:

dpkg -i teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx_i386.deb 

In case dpkg indicates missing dependencies, complete the installation by executing the following command:

apt-get install -f 

Older 64-bit DEB-systems without Multiarch (Ubuntu 12.03, Debian 6 and below)

Download the teamviewer_amd64.deb package.

To install, use dpkg and apt-get as described in the above section: Older systems (Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 7 and below)

📌Notes on Multiarch: On newer 64-bit DEB-systems with Multiarch-support (Debian 7), teamviewer_linux_x64.deb cannot be installed because the package ia32-libs is not available anymore on these systems. In this case you can use teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx_i386.deb instead.

In case you get the error “wrong architecture i386” you have to execute the following command lines as an administrator:

dpkg --add-architecture i386 
apt-get update 

For further information:

Other platforms

TeamViewer (Classic) can also run on many other distributions, although they are not officially supported. 

The TeamViewer tar.gz package can be used, which will only create files in the directory where you extract it to. The tar.gz package works if the libraries that TeamViewer depends on are installed (which is often the case):

Mandriva/Mageia: TeamViewer (Classic) can be installed using the following command as an administrator: 

urpmi --force --allow-nodeps teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm 

PCLinuxOS:  TeamViewer (Classic) can be installed from the repository. The package is provided by the PCLinuxOS team. 

If you get an error message: 

The TeamViewer daemon is not running! 

Please start the daemon (needs root permissions) before running TeamViewer “teamviewer –daemon start” 

Open a Terminal Window and enter the following command (possibly needs root permissions): 

cp /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service /etc/init.d/teamviewerd service teamviewerd start 

If you need the daemon to be started automatically, please use the command:

update-rc.d teamviewerd defaults

Run TeamViewer (Classic) without installation

The tar.gz package can be run without installation and does not require root permissions either.

After downloading the tar.gz package, extract the package to the desired directory it should run from. Click teamviewer to start a new TeamViewer instance. The tar.gz package works if the libraries TeamViewer depends on are installed (which is often the case).

You can identify missing libraries by running the command as an administrator:

tv-setup checklibs