Learn how to configure the different Android Apps of TeamViewer with the help of AppConfig and your Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.

This article applies to all TeamViewer customers with a Corporate or Tensor license. The configuration requires an MDM that supports AppConfig (https://www.appconfig.org/).


AppConfig is a technological standard to provide configuration of Android and iOS apps. It allows the configuration of the apps through MDM software. In regards to Android, the configurable part is limited to Android enterprise. For more information, please refer to the AppConfig community page: Android – AppConfig Community

Some MDMs show a preconfigured form with the configuration possibilities, and you can fill in the values. Some don't show it, and you have to manually configure the key and its value; therefore, we will also provide the key for each configuration.


Please contact the TeamViewer Support team to get your Company or Account ID.


Configuration keys

Key Description Remote control QuickSupport Host Assist AR


(Deprecated) Let the app connect to a dedicated router.


Let the app connect to one of the given dedicated routers. Separate the routers by a semicolon.


Configuration ID from the Management Console is used to automatically assign the device to a TeamViewer account after start of the Host app.

Configuration ID is also used to apply custom module parameters for the QuickSupport app.


Assignment ID is used to automatically assign the device as a Managed Device after start of the Host app. The TeamViewer account the device is assigned to is defined in the TeamViewer Management Console.


API Token needed to add a device to a group automatically. Group ID + Api Token is mandatory to add the device.


Change the device name that is used to add the device to a group. By default, we take the device name consisting of the brand, model, and Serial (if accessible).


Group ID that the device will be added to. Group ID + Api Token is mandatory to add the device.


Add allowlisted accounts by adding their account ID separated by a semicolon.


Add allowlisted companies by adding their Company ID separated by a semicolon.


Add your Assist AR module config ID from the Management Console to show Customer Terms of Service.


Add your session request configuration ID from the Management Console, so that the user is able to request a session without sharing the TeamViewer ID.


Use this key to define whether manual removal of assignments is allowed on Android Host devices. The default value is "true".