24 mars 2022
TeamViewer Spotlight
Sending large files is still a challenge – no matter how digitalized the world already is. Pictures, videos and songs can rarely be sent by email. That’s why you need a different approach to sending large files.
In many industries, large amounts of data are very common. This always raises the question: How to send large data files through email? Most email providers allow you to save between 10 and 25 MB per file. If you exceed this maximum size, even Gmail refuses to work. The problem: Large attachments put too much strain on the available disk space. While a simple Word document rarely causes problems, things are different with images, videos or music files. They regularly exceed the specified limit many times over. The same applies if you want to send larger amounts of data or working with large files involves collaboration.
Sending large files works best if you avoid email. Instead, you can consider other options.
The issue of sending large files is the focus of numerous providers. Different programs are suitable for different purposes:
TeamViewer is especially known for its excellent file transfer. It is a software solution that ensures secure file transfer and enables productive collaboration. Whether it’s sending large files to your colleagues, external collaborators or customers, the file transfer software can handle even very large amounts of data:
The important thing about sending large files is that the process enables sharing and speeds up existing workflows. This makes it possible to avoid deadline pressure and invest more time in your projects.