The Audit Committee, which also serves as the Sustainability Committee, monitors accounting processes, risk management, the effectiveness of the internal control system and the internal audit system. It also deals with compliance issues as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics. Furthermore, it verifies the independence of the external auditor and deals with any other services to be provided by the external auditor, awarding the audit engagement, specifying audit priorities, and agreeing on the auditor’s fees.
The Audit Committee discusses the half-year financial reports and quarterly statements with the Management Board. It also drafts the resolutions for the full Supervisory Board and prepares the preceding discussion regarding the adoption of the financial statements, profit appropriation and appointing the external auditor.
The Audit Committee regularly consults with the auditor without the Management Board.
The Audit Committee is composed of the following members:
- Swantje Conrad (Chair)
- Ralf W. Dieter
- Axel Salzmann
- Christina Stercken