
This article applies to TeamViewer Servicecamp customers.

The tab Organizations gives you an overview of which companies/ organizations you work with. Furthermore, you can see which contacts (customers) and which tickets are assigned to this Organization.

Create an Organization

Organizations are automatically created based on the customer's e-mail domain as soon as the customer contacts you via Servicecamp.

If you need to set up an Organization manually, you will find the necessary steps below:

First, click on the tab Administration in your Servicecamp instance. Then select the tab Organization.

By clicking on the button +Add Organization, you open the Create New Customer Organization dialog box.

Organization name: Enter the desired name for the Organization here.

E-mail domain: Entering the e-mail domain is required so that customers can be automatically assigned to the Organization.

Confirm your entry with the Create button or reject it with the Cancel button.

Edit already existing Organization 

To edit an already existing Organization, move the mouse pointer to the Organization you want to edit and simply click on it. Subsequently, the window for editing opens.

Alternatively, move the pointer to the gearwheel for the relevant Organization on the right and choose Edit. In the popup that opens, you can change the data of the Organization and Save it afterwards.

In the Edit Customer Organization window, you can also define a contact person for the Organization. For this you need the name of the contact person and the e-mail address.

Click on the link View organization's tickets to see all tickets belonging to the Organization.

Delete an Organization

To delete an Organization, move the mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen and hover over the Organization. Click on the arrow next to the gearwheel and select Delete.

Then confirm in the dialog box that you want to delete the Organization or cancel the process.

💡Hint: If you delete an Organization, all customers related to the Organization will be deleted as well. This process can not be revoked.