A Webhook can be thrown when a Rule was triggered. Webhooks are sent via HTTP POST message to a specified url. The message contains JSON documents.
The examples below show Webhook message examples for your reference.
{ "Type": "ChannelConfirmation", "Message": "You have received this request because your webhook URL has been added to the TeamViewer IoT notification channel list. To confirm this channel visit the ConfirmationURL included in this message" , "ConfirmationURL": "https://mywebhook.com/confirmation/eyJ0aW1lU3RhbXAiOjE1Mjk0NzU1OTQwNzYsImNoYW5uZWxOYW1lIjoidGVzdCIsImNoYW5uZWxUeXBlIjoxLCJ1c2VySWQiOiI1YjI3YjI5ZGY2N2VjM2Y1MTAxMDUxNjkiLCJjaGFubmVsSWQiOiI1YjI5ZjIwYTMzNmJjNzUzZjA5M2Q1YWMiLCJ0YXJnZXQiOiJodHRwczovL3dlYmhvb2suc2l0ZS8zMjBmZTQ1Mi1kNzZmLTQ0YTUtYWFiZC04MDAzYTIyZTRlZWEifQ==" } { "Type": "ChannelConfirmationResponse", "Message": "Webhook channel has been successfully confirmed", "Timestamp": 1529475719718 } { "Type": "ChannelConfirmationResponse", "Message": "Webhook channel has already been confimred.", "Timestamp": 1529475731790 }
<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">{ "StartTime": 1501068864000, "ruleName": "Default alarm policy", "condition": "raspberrypi.dht22.temperature < 3", "consecutiveChecks": 4, "values": { "raspberrypi.dht22.temperature": 2 } }</pre>
<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">{ "endTime": 1501068864000, "duration": "2 hour(s) 45 minute(s)", "ruleName": "Default alarm policy", "condition": "raspberrypi.dht22.temperature < 2", "consecutiveChecks": 4, "values": { "raspberrypi.dht22.temperature": 5 } }</pre>