Illustration showing industrial AR and enterprise solutions for after-sales service

Next-generation after-sales for instant, reliable, and efficient customer service

Join this live webinar to learn how to take your after-sales processes from good to great.

All you need to know

Title: Next-generation after-sales for instant, reliable, and efficient customer service
Date: August 14, 2024
Time: 2:30 pm ACST | 1pm SG
Duration: 30 minutes

Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers all agree that boosting customer satisfaction is a powerful strategy for business success and sustainability. But travel-intensive customer service drains the revenue safebox.  And for the anxious customer, the annoying wait time is tantamount to wasted time.

The lack of skilled experts magnify this consumer dissatisfaction. It lengthens the diagnosis and actual problem-fixing process, putting an abrasive strain on customer relationship.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

  • Accelerate from small-to-scaled initiatives to get your feet wet sans too much resources, while effectively uncovering the ROI along the journey
  • Integrate into existing support infrastructures to maximize efficient adoption and sustain success of improved service fulfillment
  • Diversify revenue streams with a new business model like how a hospitality machine manufacturer and medical equipment provider successfully did it
  • Take 1 or a combination of 3 strategies that best aligns with your workflows, fulfillment protocols, internal resources, and customer SLAs
  • Eliminate costly onsite travels and fast-track issue diagnosis and problem resolution times
  • Extend expert-level capabilities that get the job done accurately, similar to how a car dealer and an FMCG manufacturer have been successful at it

About the speaker

David Manuel

Strategic Alliance Manager at TeamViewer

David Manuel has extensive experience in the tech industry. His role involves advocating for emerging tech solutions that can revolutionize business operations and improve people’s lives. One of his passions lies in exploring augmented reality (AR) and extended reality (XR) applications in the industrial sector. Prior to his current role at TeamViewer, he held positions in software development and strategic alliances. His background includes collaborating with cross-functional teams, driving partnerships, and advocating for innovative solutions.

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