Dock worker with smart glasses

Work in a true handsfree manner with AR and smart glasses

Our smart glasses guide provides you with valuable information about AR glasses and their differences.

A clear view

Augmented reality (AR) technology is a new efficient way to provide and process information. Playful AR applications for smartphones and tablets are increasing awareness and acceptance of the technology among users. Smart glasses and AR as a visual technology offer a true hands-free mobile experience for users. There are several companies that invest a lot of time and money to bring smart glasses to the market.

Each of them with their own vision of implementation.This guide will help you to learn more about AR glasses and to find the right model for your individual use case.

Relevant information in your field of view

Augmented reality systems and their differences

AR glasses augment the perceived reality of their users with information via light displays in the users’ view. An AR system must be hands-free to enable AR support even when the user is actively performing tasks with their hands. Different manufacturers of smart glasses are pursuing different approaches in order to best meet this requirement. While many choose a design resembling classic eyewear, others are specifically designed for the use with safety helmets or for integration with other devices.

Some manufacturers integrate non-optical control components into the headset while others move these system components to a connected controller, PC or smartphone. Furthermore, smart glasses differ according to which platform they run on. Google’s operating system Android currently dominates the market of AR glasses. Other operating systems for data glasses are Windows and Linux.

Binocular and monocular smart glasses

Augmented reality is not just limited to vision. Some smart glasses have built-in microphones and speakers for audio communication, others require an external headset to be connected. What the user decides for depends not only on the particular use case, but also on individual preferences. For some applications, binocular displays are required to provide information to the user.

Other applications require unrestricted vision and are therefore only equipped with a monocular display (head mounted tablet). While most systems offer a direct view of the real world (optical see-through), some systems rely on external cameras to present information about see-through screens in front of their eyes (video see-through).

Supported hardware

We support the integration of three classes of wearables: smart glasses, smartwatches, and smart scanners.

Questions? Get in touch

Not sure which smart glasses are the right ones for your use case? We are happy to help!