Update TeamViewer via policy allows you to centrally manage and automate the update process for all your TeamViewer clients. You can update your TeamViewer full clients and TeamViewer Host clients by combining two policy settings: Check for new version and Install new versions automatically

This article applies to Business, Premium, Corporate, and Tensor license holders.

How to create an update policy

Creating or editing a policy is the first step to managing updates via policy.

To create a policy, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Admin settings.
  2. Click Policies.
  3. Click Create new policy and enter a policy name. If you already have a policy applied to your devices, select the respective policy, click Edit, and go to Step 5.
  4. Select the TeamViewer as the product.
  5. Add the following settings to your policy by clicking Add setting:
    • Check for new version and choose how often you want the system to check if a new version is available.
    • Install new versions automatically and choose which version type you want to system to update. We recommend using the value All updates (includes new major versions).
  6. Optional: Enforcing the settings will prevent the end-user from disabling them.
  7. Click Save.

How to apply the policy to your devices

Applying the policy to your devices ensures that the settings are enforced across all your TeamViewer clients. If you edited an existing policy, you are done. The new settings will automatically apply to the devices the policy is assigned to.

If you created a new policy, please follow in the article below:

You have successfully created and applied an update policy that will ensure all your clients are running the latest TeamViewer version.