Spatial Editor Crashes on Model Import

There are two possible reasons why the Editor might crash while importing a model:

  1. No remaining disk space: Large models lead to intensive computer memory (RAM) consumption while importing. When the total memory capacity is reached, data is swapped out to the hard disk to make space within the RAM memory. A crash can happen if there is no disk space left in the computer.
  2. Problems/issues with the 3D CAD model format: An issue with the 3D CAD model format can only be investigated by the development team. If our investigation results with no bug on our side, we have to forward the issue to our CAD SDK provider, Spatial Corp.

Note: You can reach the development team via

Spatial Editor Blocked when Adding Pin/Marker

Note: The Spatial Editor is blocked until the new user item is placed in the 3D scene.

This could confuse users when they try to add pin/marker/user items within the Connector view (2D), which also requires placement in 3D first. The Snap-Mode is activated every time a new user item is added to the 3D scene.

The user needs to place the newly added item in the 3D scene over the model before proceeding with other actions.

Pins are too small/big or can't be seen

In case the pins are too small or too big relative to the model, and maybe you cannot see them, it is possible that the scale in which the model was imported was not correct.

Try changing the scale of the imported 3D/CAD model:

  1. Select the top assembly of the 3D model in the Model Explorer on the left.
  2. Change the scale in the panel on the right, under Model Scale.

Note: Find more information about Model Settings and Model Scale in the Model Settings section on this page. 

Unable to add media to pin

If you are not able to add media to a pin in Spatial Editor, it is possible that the media format of the file is not supported.

Spatial Editor supports the following formats:

  • Picture formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, and TIF/TIFF
  • Video formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG, GIF, FLV, OGG, and WMV
  • Audio formats: WAV

Note: Please contact our service desk at in the following cases:

a. The format of your file is supported but you are still not able to add it to Spatial Editor.

b. Request compatibility with another format.

Creating/Adding a hologram is very slow

When adding a hologram to your workflow, the Spatial Editor merges all selected parts to one single 3D model and optimizes the 3D model in the background, in order to minimize the vertex count and therefore optimizes the loading performance in the Spatial Workplace app.

The duration of the hologram creation depends on the following:

  • Amount of parts selected for hologram creation: The more parts have to be merged, the longer it takes.
  • Complexity/vertex count of selected parts/assemblies: The more vertices that have to be processed for optimization, the longer the process takes.
  • PC/laptop computing performance: A performant CPU is especially needed for good hologram optimization performance.

Can't see any 3D model after CAD 3D model import

If the import finishes without an error message but with no 3D model shown, there are two possible reasons why:

  1. Missing part references: Some CAD formats (such as CATIA) consist of separate assembly and part files. This means that the assembly files only include the 3D model/product structure and the actual geometry is included within the part files. If the part files are missing in the folder of the CAD model, the geometry cannot be imported and only empty references are loaded in the Spatial Editor.
  2. Problems/issues with the 3D CAD model format: An issue with the 3D CAD model format can only be investigated by the development team. If after investigation it is concluded that it is not a bug on our side, we have to forward the issue to our CAD SDK provider, Spatial Corp.

Note: Please contact the development team at

3D Model format missing for import

The CAD import feature has to be enabled by TeamViewer because it results in extra costs with the external SDK provider. When using the Spatial Editor without a network connection, the license check cannot be performed

Spatial Editor is very slow during a CAD 3D model import

The following factors can affect the import duration of a CAD model:

  • CAD file format: Some formats - especially the native ones such as CATIA, JT, etc. - are much faster in importing than others such as STEP (very slow due to often text-based representation).
  • Vertex/part count of CAD 3D model (aka the model size): This has a direct influence on the import duration. For example, full vehicle CAD models including all chassis, electric data, etc. take very long to import due to RAM memory limits and CPU limits.
  • Hardware limitations: CAD or virtual-reality computers are usually much better suited for running Spatial Editor than low-power office laptops/PCs. You can see the recommended PC requirements in our Frontline Spatial Requirements.

Note: Slow import only happens during the first import of the original CAD data. When saving as .v3pproj (project file), the import is much faster due to our proprietary 3D model conversion.

Spatial Editor is very slow

Please check the minimum system requirements for using Spatial Editor in our Frontline Spatial Requirements.

The larger the 3D CAD model, the more computing resources are needed to render the 3D scene. This can lead to a slower experience using Spatial Editor.

Spatial Editor crashes randomly

We have recently located some issues caused by the Intel Graphics card driver update that might be causing Spatial Editor to randomly crash while you are using it.

Note: Please contact the development team at

Unable to open Editor (missing DLL file)

  1. Open the folder where the Spatial Editor is installed.
  2. Go to Data/Redistributable.
  3. Install the VC_redist file.