TeamViewer is available for the operating systems listed below. You can download the current version of TeamViewer from our website.

Links to older versions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

The system requirements set out below apply to the following products for remote access & support: TeamViewer Remote and TeamViewer Tensor.

For the use of specific features Monitoring & Asset Management, Endpoint Protection, and Backup, the system requirements Supported operating systems for Remote Management shall apply in addition.

This article applies to all TeamViewer users.

Hint: Using older versions of TeamViewer requires a TeamViewer license. We kindly ask all free users to use the latest version of TeamViewer Remote.


Windows versions ¹ Server versions ² Minimum TeamViewer version End-of-support date*

Windows 11 (23H2)


TeamViewer 15.47

November 2027

Windows 11 (22H2)


TeamViewer 15.41

October 2026

Windows 10 October 2022 Update (22H2)

Server 2016

Server 2019

Server 2022

TeamViewer 15.41

October 2026

¹ Includes support for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise editions. However, Windows 10 IoT Core and Windows Embedded systems are not supported.

² Windows Server Core installations are not supported.

Windows versions Server versions ¹ Minimum TeamViewer versions End-of-support date

Windows 11 (23H2)


TeamViewer 15.47

November 2027

Windows 11 (22H2)


TeamViewer 15.34

October 2026

Windows 11 on ARM (on 32-bit x86 emulation) ²


TeamViewer 15.22

October 2026

Windows 11 (21H2)


TeamViewer 15.22

October 2026

Windows 10 October 2022 Update (22H2)


TeamViewer 15.34

October 2026

Windows 10 October 2021 Update (21H2)

Server 2022

TeamViewer 15.22

October 2026

Windows 10 May 2021 Update (21H1)


TeamViewer 15.18

October 2026

Windows 10 October 2020 Update (20H2)


TeamViewer 15.11

October 2026

Windows 10 May 2020 Update (2004)


TeamViewer 15.18

October 2026

Windows 10 November 2019 Update (1909)


TeamViewer 14.7

October 2026

Windows 10 May 2019 Update (1903)

Server 2019

TeamViewer 14.5

October 2026

Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809)


TeamViewer 14

October 2026

Windows 10 April 2018 Update (1803)


TeamViewer 13

October 2026

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709)


TeamViewer 12

October 2026

Windows 10 Creators Update (1703)


TeamViewer 11

October 2026

Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607)

Server 2016

TeamViewer 11

October 2026

Windows 10 RTM (1507)


TeamViewer 11

October 2026

¹ Windows Server Core installations are not supported.

² All capabilities for incoming and outgoing connections, with the only exception of Windows driver-based features like VPN, Remote Printer, and SmartCard support.


  • We are no longer actively servicing Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2003/2008. You can continue using the last supported version of TeamViewer (Classic) on those operating systems, but we are no longer providing updates or fixes which are specific to them. See this announcement for more details.
Windows versions Server versions ¹ Compatible TeamViewer version(s) End-of-support announcement

Windows 8.1

Server 2012 R2

TeamViewer 11–15.54


Windows 8.0

Server 2012

TeamViewer 11–15.54


Windows 7

Server 2008 R2

TeamViewer 11–15.54


Windows Vista ¹

Server 2008 ¹

TeamViewer 11–14.2

Windows XP SP3 ¹

Server 2003 ¹

TeamViewer 11–14.2

¹ Internet Explorer 8.0 or later is required.

*The end-of-support date listed on this webpage is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted if the operating system (OS) provider terminates support earlier than anticipated. In general, our software will support the specified OS version for up to 12 months after the OS provider ceases to deliver security updates. Please note that we reserve the right to modify these support periods as we deem appropriate to align with any changes in the OS provider's support policies.


macOS versions Minimum TeamViewer version End-of-support date*

macOS 15.0 (Sequoia)

TeamViewer 15.59

November 2028

macOS 14.0 (Sonoma)

TeamViewer 15.47

November 2027

macOS 13.0 (Ventura)

TeamViewer 15.41.7
For (Classic): TeamViewer 15.35

November 2026

macOS 12.0 (Monterey)

TeamViewer 15.41.7

For (Classic): TeamViewer 15.23

November 2025

*The end-of-support date listed on this webpage is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted if the operating system (OS) provider terminates support earlier than anticipated. In general, our software will support the specified OS version for up to 12 months after the OS provider ceases to deliver security updates. Please note that we reserve the right to modify these support periods as we deem appropriate to align with any changes in the OS provider's support policies.

Legacy macOS versions

We are no longer actively supporting the macOS versions listed below. You can continue using the last compatible version of TeamViewer on these operating systems, but please note that we will no longer provide updates or fixes for them.

macOS versions Compatible TeamViewer version(s) End-of-support announcement

macOS 11.0 (Big Sur)

TeamViewer 15.12 - 15.59

macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

TeamViewer 14.7–15.47

macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

TeamViewer 14–15.42

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

TeamViewer 12–15.2


macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

TeamViewer 11–15.2


OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)

TeamViewer 11–15.2


OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)

TeamViewer 11–13


OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

TeamViewer 11–12


OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

TeamViewer 11–12


Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)

TeamViewer 11


Linux (only relevant for TeamViewer (Classic)) 

Linux versions TeamViewer versions

Debian 10

TeamViewer 14–15.x

Debian 11

TeamViewer 14–15.x

Debian 12

TeamViewer 15.44-15.x

Raspberry Pi OS

Teamviewer 15.22–15.x

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

TeamViewer 14.7–15.x

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

TeamViewer 15.26–15.x

Ubuntu 22.10

TeamViewer 15.37-15.x

Deepin 20

TeamViewer 14–15.x

Mint 20.x

TeamViewer 14.7–15.x

Mint 21.x

TeamViewer 15.38-15.x

Fedora 37

TeamViewer 15.37-15.x

Fedora 38

TeamViewer 15.44-15.x

Red Hat Enterprise 7.x

TeamViewer 11–15.x

Red Hat Enterprise 8.x

TeamViewer 14–15.x

CentOS 7.x

TeamViewer 11–15.x

CentOS 8.x

TeamViewer 14–15.x

CentOS Stream 8*

TeamViewer 15.44-15.x

CentOS Stream 9*

TeamViewer 15.44-15.x

SUSE Enterprise 12.x

TeamViewer 12–14

SUSE Enterprise 15.x

TeamViewer 14–15.x

openSUSE 15.x

TeamViewer 13–15.x

Note: TeamViewer (Classic) can also run on several other distributions, although we don't officially provide support for them.

Please see this article for more details on installing TeamViewer (Classic) on Linux.

Note: Regarding CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Stream 9 - Due to the rolling release model of these distributions, we cannot guarantee that TeamViewer will work at all times.


Note: Individual APK installer files can also be downloaded from our website for sideloading.

Please find the list of supported manufacturers for remote control here.

iOS and iPadOS

Chrome OS

Note: The Android Apps TeamViewer QuickSupport and Host are supported on all Chrome OS devices launched since 2019 and some Chrome OS devices launched before 2019.

A list of Chrome OS devices launched before 2019, which support running Android apps, can be found on Google's website.

Users with Chrome devices that do not support Android apps can use the TeamViewer Web Client.

Also, note that the QuickSupport and Host apps only provide screen sharing on Chrome OS. Full remote control of Chrome OS is officially not supported yet.

Web Services

To provide the most secure level of encryption to our users, we removed support of Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1 from our web services in October 2020. This includes our Management Console and our web-based API.

Transport Layer Security is a protocol that provides encrypted communication on the web. After October 2020, we will only support TLS version 1.2.

If you are using an up-to-date browser and don't use our API, no further action is required. All current browser versions already support TLS 1.2.

If you are using a browser version that is several years old, we recommend updating it to the latest version.

And if you are a developer using our API to integrate TeamViewer (Classic) functionality into other solutions, please ensure your HTTP client supports TLS 1.2.