This article applies to all TeamViewer Engage customers.

Supported Browsers

The following browsers are officially supported and recommended by TeamViewer Engage.

Co-Browsing (Embedded & Universal)

Desktop browsers



Google Chrome

>= 18

Microsoft Edge

>= 12

Mozilla Firefox

>= 14

Apple Safari

>= 6

Internet Explorer

>= 11

Mobile browsers



Mobile Chrome

>= 60

iOS Safari

>= 6.1

Video Chat & Video Consultation

Desktop browsers



Google Chrome

>= 60

Microsoft Edge

>= 60

Mozilla Firefox

>= 58


>= 13

Internet Explorer

- - -

Mobile browsers



Mobile Chrome

>= 60

iOS Safari

>= 12


Desktop browsers



Google Chrome

>= 60

Microsoft Edge

>= 60

Mozilla Firefox

>= 58


>= 13

Internet Explorer

- - -

Mobile browsers

Users using a mobile device/browser can only see what others share, but not share their screen 



Mobile Chrome

>= 60

iOS Safari

>= 12

Supported Technologies – JavaScript API & Co-Browsing

HTML / CSS / JavaScript

Static websites

Static websites are supported by default. 

Single-page web applications

It doesn't matter which framework is used (e.g. Angular, React...). Single-page applications are supported by default.

HTML5 + Mouse effect technology support

Modern web development uses a lot of advanced technologies to display different types of components. This section describes the "advanced" technologies which TeamViewer Engage supports.

Technology Supported Description


✓ OK

except <video>/<audio>

Single Page Applications

✓ OK



✓ OK


Shadow DOMs

✓ OK



✓ OK

including bidirectional mouse events


✓ OK



✓ OK

for integrated Co-Browsing see detailed description

CSS hover effects (:hover, :focus)

✓ OK


Mouse events

✓ OK

both directions

Form events

✓ OK

both directions

Cross Domain Support

✓ OK

Configuration at the Co-Browsing Plugin to keep the session when the domain changes


✓ OK


JavaScript alert, confirm, prompt



CSS3 animations


only on the visitor/agent side but not synced

Active X, Silverlight, Java Applet, Flash




Canvas is mainly used to draw graphics on a web page. TeamViewer Engage supports Canvas without any additional configuration.

Shadow DOM

Shadow DOMs are mostly used by the Polymer framework and are widely supported by Chrome and Firefox. After proper configuration, TeamViewer Engage does supports Shadow DOM out of the box.


Iframes are used to display a third-party website/component within another website, like an embedded website.

Iframes with the same origin (like and are supported per default without any additional configuration. When you want to leverage Iframe support with cross-origin domains you must integrate the TeamViewer Engage JavaScript snippet in each embedded website (in each Iframe). For example, it will not work to see the Google Ads which are embedded in an Iframe from a cross-origin domain.

CSS hover effects

CSS hover effects are supported by default without any additional configuration.

Example 1: A visitor moves their mouse over the navigation bar which has a: hover event and afterward shows the hidden context menu. This behaviour is supported per default with TeamViewer Engage. This means the viewer of the Co-Browsing session (i.e. Agent) also sees the context menu which is opened by the visitor.

Example 2: A visitor moves their mouse over the hyperlink which changes its background colour. The viewer of the Co-Browsing session (i.e. agent) does also see the changed background colour of the hyperlink.


  • <video>/<audio> replay
  • Third-party applications like Flash or Java Applets

Disclaimer: Universal Co-Browsing

Please note that Universal Co-Browsing might not yet work on all websites. We are constantly improving the range of supported pages, but due to the variety of web technologies, different development styles, and the diversity in the WWW, we cannot guarantee that every website works out-of-the-box. In case you find a website that is not working yet, please share it with us by contacting TeamViewer Support